13 Jan 2025 13:35:44
Media having a pop again saying the way Dyche was badly. I would say the stuff he came out with (if true) was shabby. I have taken them as far as I can, resigning? No, I will see out my contract. Add that to the other BS he came out with. Incidentally he didn't save us from relegation, same players, same line ups, same tactics. It was luck and the players switching on for a few games.
13 Jan 2025 14:05:57
There are loads on here having a pop mate it's not just the media.
13 Jan 2025 14:06:36
I think it looks bad they didn't say thank you for his services and I disagree, I think he did keep us up, we got 8 points deducted and went on a half decent run, and beat Liverpool . So I for 1 appreciate his efforts last season even if he's failed this season.
{Ed025's Note - for me Tomtom he did exactly what was asked of him but no more, yes he kept us up which was his brief but the cost was to turn us into a negative boring team that were very hard to watch...if hard to beat, he had to go imo mate..
13 Jan 2025 14:09:16
For me, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. He did not conduct himself particularly well and never quite clicked with the fanbase - too many excuses. We did not need to follow suit by not thanking him and his team for their efforts. You cannot stay up by luck alone, but he had taken us as far as he could and only had one way of playing/ setting up. The media will forget it in a week, instead they'll be purring over Moyes on Wednesday, whatever writes the best headlines.
{Ed025's Note - i cant argue with any of that JB..
13 Jan 2025 15:31:22
Dyche was his own worst enemy.
Never once did I hear him come out and take responsibility for anything negative - he’d always blame the players, the fans anyone but himself.
However anything positive happen and he’d happily take responsibility.
That’s not what I expect from a manager, I want honesty and to admit when wrong but also enjoy when things go right.
He was sucking the life out of the club and the team with his negative tactics, picking players he liked rather than on form and spouting absolute drivel most interviews.
Will lose no sleep over him going and not worried about the club not thanking him - he was paid handsomely and that should be thanks enough for him.
13 Jan 2025 16:24:12
I believe it is more in the way he left the club as opposed to his backstory.
TFG would probably have been looking to keep him, however, by telling them he can’t take the club any further, then he’s pretty much resigned.
13 Jan 2025 16:33:38
All in the past hope we can all get behind the new manager.
13 Jan 2025 16:38:08
His persistence with poor players was a massive frustration Ginger.
13 Jan 2025 16:44:13
Just look at Tranmere Blues post above. Enough said.