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26 Jul 2018 22:16:18
Richarlison must be on the pitch thinking what rubbish have I joined here. Same old same old we are poor.
1.) 27 Jul 2018 10:38:47
Couple of signings and we will be ok, new system and all that, result means nothing, it's about the players, Silva will now know who needs replacing and who stays, I'm sure we will see a lot better by the time the league starts .
2.) 27 Jul 2018 13:09:36
The Blackburn game started with Sigs getting some game minutes and the rest of the squad who would probably be considered second, third or even fourth choice players in each position. The second half saw more of what would be more likely Silvas first eleven, but by then the damage was done and they couldn't build up a rhythm quickly enough against a Blackburn side that were far more prepared for a season that starts in 10 days. I wouldn't worry too much as I think it was an opportunity to make final decisions on places in the team, necessary signings and player exits. Sadly, some players have made it easier for Silva to make decisions on. Score doesn't really matter, but Silva did not look happy. At least 2 quality defenders are essential purchases this window, whoever they may be. Also thought that tackle on Baines in the last two minutes was a disgrace for a pre season friendly. But the reaction from the players should provide some comfort, as it highlighted that they were of the mindset that it was just a friendly to find fitness and form. I think we'll see a much more focused squad in the next game.
26 Feb 2018 18:01:47
The problem with the club is we have no captain steering the ship and we have the most spineless and gutless players I have ever watched in a blue jersey. Blame this blame that but most of all blame the ones who wear the shirt and disgrace it at every opportunity.
1.) 26 Feb 2018 18:43:12
If you were a racing driver then you would want to race to win. But if your crew were constantly telling you a place is good enough so play safe, you would very quickly become demotervated and struggle to even make a place.
These players have a leader off the pitch who wants to play safe, and it's effecting there moral. Yes we need a strong captain, but if he is not allowed to lead then what's the point. The players are playing with fear, and there's only one person who is to blame for that.
2.) 26 Feb 2018 21:11:33
Like I said the other day mate, not enough players out there maybe a couple excepted who'll give everything for this shirt and lead it. The batterings we've had this season show just how much we miss the strong characters who wouldn't roll over like Cahill or even Naismith who gave everything for the shirt. Captains set standards and I don't think anyone out there does that or leads, only one of captain material to me is Pickford.
3.) 27 Feb 2018 07:09:44
give coleman the armband as soon as he is back fully fit for me he is a born leader, sets the standard and has no problem letting you no if u fall below said standards.
i think if him and james mc would have been fit all season we would be nailed on 7th challanging for 6th/ 5th at least, the passion they both show put the rest, bar pickford as u say, to shame.
{Ed025's Note - i will have that johny mate..
27 Jan 2018 12:49:35
I have supported etc for over 50 years and I can honestly say that this is the worst mess I have ever seen this club in. it starts from the top to the bottom and Walsh is the most overated scout I have ever known. Will someone please sort out this mess before it's too late.
1.) 27 Jan 2018 13:02:58
Some times money has the wrong effect when given to the wrong person, as we can see we've an unbalanced team, Sam is trying to add pace but we as a team have to many weaknesses, the fact the team is never settled shows the manager spent really no his best team.
2.) 27 Jan 2018 16:42:41
I wouldn’t say this is the biggest mess - after all we’ve had last-day relegation escapes - but it is the biggest disappointment in terms of comparing expectations (Moshiri, stadium, player recruitment, etc. ) with the reality (performances, results, negativity, etc. ) .
02 Jan 2018 19:16:01
We should walk away from the tosun deal as trying to deal with Turkish clubs is very difficult remember the problems with yobo when we tried to sell him. The Turks can't be trusted.
{Ed002's Note - You think Everton should show the way by rolling over and selling players for less than being asked for.}
1.) 02 Jan 2018 19:48:52
Have to agree with ed here. What do you expect clubs to do? Thank us for our first offer and be done with it. Football is a business which involves huge amounts of money. Negotiation will always happen on all sides.
2.) 02 Jan 2018 20:01:35
I think sometimes our negotiations are like that rude driver or person leaving/ entering a premises that you give way for. They never say thankyou or acknowledge and would never repay the favour. People have a go at that man Levy at Spurs but he gets things done.
3.) 02 Jan 2018 20:29:36
I’m glad our fans don’t negotiate transfer fees, wages, or any other club business, as we’d have gone out of business long ago. Our club might deserve criticism, but imho some of that is frankly ludicrous.
06 Sep 2017 21:33:28
Does anybody else think that barkley has done this on purpose so that he can get a bigger signing on fee wherever he goes. he has stuck his two fingers up at everybody connected to our great football club.
{Ed025's Note - im not sure what his game is alan, but i cant see him ever wearing our famous shirt ever again mate..
1.) 06 Sep 2017 23:02:52
Do you know what really annoys me. We sold Rooney to UTD and I'm sure some of that fee went towards the development of Barkley in some way or form. I'm not saying that he should go somewhere that he is not happy at but at least make sure the club he supports and was developed by is looked after. Rooney went to UTD and won the lot, I actually hope his career flops.
{Ed025's Note - sadly im getting that way myself cosh..
2.) 07 Sep 2017 09:58:44
He may well have done. If he's decided he's off he's going to trying to get as much as possible out of it.
3.) 07 Sep 2017 10:36:38
If that is the case and his only motivation is his own financial gain he's showing a total lack of respect for the club that nurtured him and stood by him during his terrible injuries.
4.) 07 Sep 2017 11:08:29
I've said it before and I know it would cost us but I would keep him for the whole year. Play him if we need him, mainly as a sub.
5.) 07 Sep 2017 12:01:24
I personally believe he has been asked to wait til jan by spurs they save wages and buy him at a fraction of the 35 million we could of got (we all know spurs are tight) and they will give him a higher signing on fee for waiting so he uses our facilities to get himself fit while picking up a nice wage packet If I was koeman I would banish him from the 1st team.
6.) 07 Sep 2017 14:15:28
Sadly this is a typical example of player power. The boy will end up screwing the club he supports. When Rooney left we got a really good fee for a boy his age although it then went on to be a bargain for united, we needed the money so it was win win.
Barkley's departure will be very different and will vilify him to a point that unlike Rooney it will be very difficult to accept him back. Then once spurs chew him up and spit him out as they usually do, he will end up at West Ham or Palace looking up the table at Everton wondering what went wrong.
7.) 07 Sep 2017 14:24:02
Bluey79 I'm not sure how you can call Spurs tight. They seen he was injured and knew he wouldn't play again this year and could get him for a fraction of a price in Jan. I'd call that good business. Would you pay triple the price for something you can use until January?
8.) 07 Sep 2017 15:56:37
Basically Spurs can't pay him the wages he would want due to there structure when they move into the new ground it will change but as I said before 12 months in football is a long time and Spurs will need to do something this season to keep players like Alli Kane there top 4 is not certain and I think they will not make it this year due to Wembley factor, I know it gets talked about but there home form was excellent last season and I don't see them getting same points at Wembley this season.
9.) 07 Sep 2017 18:01:00
Ryan1988 spurs and Levy are renowned for being tight why do you think they always leave it late to buy players it's because they save on wages and if Chelsea were willing to pay the 35 million so should spurs of been instead they will prob get him for 10 million and before you say it's clever 1 ask the spurs fans they constantly complain how tight spurs are and 2 ask the players who will mostly be looking to leave as they won't get payed the going rate that's why I can call them tight mate.
10.) 07 Sep 2017 19:56:34
Spurs just show they are not as big as they think. For ages I was hoping Barkley stayed now I am changing my mind. If he goes to Spurs then so be it Pochetino will probably get snapped up by someone else soon Dele Ali will likely leave, and all will be a big Barkley mess.
11.) 07 Sep 2017 20:26:28
Hes not done us any favours, but he's sabotaging himself as well. I lobed Barkley as a player, he could have become a legend, now I don't give a monkeys uncle what he does or where he ends up.
12.) 07 Sep 2017 23:20:02
Said it myself as a poster above, keep him at Everton until July, but I would not give the guy game time to benefit his next club or slim chance of the World Cup, Spurs can stick their £10 Million offer up their arse, make sure the guy is not match fit for when he leaves. May be throwing £10 Million plus the rest of his wages down the shitter but would sooner lose out to a fee than gifting him in January, he's an Everton player until July and I would not be surprised if Moshi uses his power to lower Barkleys player power, specially after the deadline fiasco Mossi had to deal with live on sky sports.
13.) 08 Sep 2017 09:04:43
send him home, don't give him access to our training/ physio facilities, don't let him train and ban him from training with any other club. Strip him of all club benefits and freeze him out of our club for Ever including any images and videos.
{Ed025's Note - your a very harsh guy SDS, im not saying you are wrong though but hung drawing and quartering a player is outlawed..pity that..
14.) 08 Sep 2017 13:04:45
Spurs spent within the means of the club whilst currently building a state of the art stadium. Levy seen that Barkley was injured and wasn't going to take a chance and wanted to wait to see the developments. Maybe Spurs will lose players but even the biggest clubs in the world (Barcelona) lose stars all the time. It seems a bit bitter Bluey you are attacking a club because they didn't buy an injured player from you.
15.) 08 Sep 2017 13:47:18
He's had a good living so far for a young lad without really paying it back on the field. Did feel sorry for him as I thought he could be suffering some kind of breakdown, however it now looks more and more like it's all about him and what he can get out of a deal. Starting to agree with scousedownsouth.
16.) 08 Sep 2017 12:43:20
a contract is both ways, he has a right to be at efc's training facitlity. whether we like it or not. i mean if barkley is playing this out as going to spurs, then he has already lowered his own player power cause he has left himself open to whatever whim levy wants to throw at him regarding a contract. it is forgone conclusion that he will never get back the player power he is giving up. cause who would take him now after what he did to chelsea and what he is about to do to efc. a players power rely's upon the value a team place upon you and your attitude towards the game and whether your an outstanding player, sadly ross has failed to see the obvious by behaving in such a way he has stripped himself of any value to his current club and to spurs, and as such has givin up willingly it must be said any power he might of once had as a player. would not be surprised if spurs no longer needed him. by no means is this guy anywhere near as good as he thinks he is, its kind of sad really. who advises these guys on how to behave, he has taken himself from a first 11 starter to a squad player for spurs at best worse is spurs have a kid who comes thru this year and then decide nah we don't want you he will be f.
{Ed025's Note - im on boad with all of that floats mate..
17.) 11 Sep 2017 00:13:49
The more I look at it, the more I think it is down to our manager, never thought I would say that but he's losing the dressing room and I'm bloody grey with the system he keeps playing, publically chastising Barkley, the treatment of Niasse, if things do not pick up quick and before people say need time to gel I would not lose any sleep if we brought Unsworth in to fix our sinking ship.
alanthomo's banter posts with other poster's replies to alanthomo's banter posts
17 Apr 2023 15:04:46
Just looking across at the stadium at bramley moor and thinking will it get finished? And now I'm realising how much I really hate this club and what they put us through
1.) 17 Apr 2023 15:15:45
Don't hate the club. It in your soul. Love the club, hate the board and owner.
2.) 17 Apr 2023 18:42:29
Why wouldn't it get finished?
The stadium is a different company to EFc and will be fully funded by Moshiri if needed. Ideally he doesn't want to fund the whole project.
3.) 18 Apr 2023 09:29:56
Come on Smit. When are you going to realise Moshiri has been feeding us lies for years
I can't hate Everton. I've supported them for over 50 years but I do hate Moshiri and the Board for how they've ruined our once great club.
27 Jan 2023 19:02:57
It's now to give our new manager all the support we can muster because he is going to need it. Frustrations to one side we go again let's all stay positive and let's see we're he takes us because he needs are encouragement and let's show the rest of the Orem that we are good supporters and not toxic coyb.
1.) 27 Jan 2023 20:43:56
All we can do is show our support.
I'll give him a chance. He's taking over at a turbulent time. Hopefully Dyche can get the players to adopt a fighting spirit.
If we get any points from the Arsenal or Liverpool games then it's a bonus in my eyes. His favoured 4-4-2 formation didn't do too badly at Burnley but it will be interesting to see his formation and tactics. At least he knows Tarkowski, Keane and McNeil and what to expect from them.
Just give us fans a little bit of hope. Not sure what signings we'll make with the Gordon money but let's hope it's not squandered again.
17 Jan 2023 10:58:49
You can only play good football if you have good footballers which we certainly do not have.
1.) 17 Jan 2023 11:38:56
Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll be able to attract the kind of players we need to get out of this. What player will want to come here after seeing fans blocking off cars. It’s not like a 20-30 goal a season striker is just going to rock up, for a start if you score those kind of figures then you’ll have much more attractive propositions than we are at present. A 10 goal player is probably best we can hope for and that probably won’t be enough.
2.) 17 Jan 2023 15:12:37
A player who's on 20k a week and is being offered 80k. There's a lot about.
10 Nov 2022 17:45:48
This rubbish board that we have need to realise that we are all behind frank and as usual it has been the rubbishhouse players that have let him and us down he put his faith in those rubbishhouse players the other night and they put him under the bus . So I say to the following holgate Keane Mina Davis Doucoure and Gordon you lot are nothing but rubbishbags.
1.) 10 Nov 2022 19:29:20
I'm not.
2.) 10 Nov 2022 20:26:19
Sky, you never wanted him in the first place but I'm struggling to rambert a manager you have wanted over the last 6 years, apart from maybe fat sam.
3.) 10 Nov 2022 21:25:42
You made the ed work there, Al ?.
4.) 10 Nov 2022 21:28:04
Harsh on Gordon. We have showed no attacking threat as a whole so so it very harsh to say he is no good. The way Frank sets up doesn't help attacking players either. We play so deep what are the attacking players meant to do. Yes we have a poor quality attack but it is made worse by the way we play.
5.) 10 Nov 2022 21:41:34
I heard that reply aon here a thousand times Geoff it's boring now
For the last time just for you, I've never mentioned a manager I wanted and definitely never mentioned fat Sam, who by the way had a better record than thick frank.
6.) 11 Nov 2022 00:43:22
It may be boring but moaning about each and every manager without offering a realistic alternative is boring.
Even klopp, pep, fergie, wenger would struggle to get this squad into top 6.
Carlo played similar football to fat sam but he was lucky with a fit and firing dcl grabbing goals.
Frank is rebuilding and started from the back forward. Would you rather we built from font to back and lost every game 4 3?
We have to stop firing managers because they haven't won every game they manage.
Frank is a nice guy, knows football and understands the big job he has in front of him. He is learning all the time.
7.) 11 Nov 2022 02:11:16
To be fair to Skylark he has said on this site many times that he hasn't a clue who we should appoint when he has called for the sacking of every manager we have appointed
To be also fair he has said more times than I could count that he was leaving the site, only to return, sometimes as soon as the next day which I find boring also.
8.) 11 Nov 2022 06:40:22
Put your toys away now boys and get mummy to tuck you up in bed if you find it boring
You don't have to read my posts you can just put a cartoon on.
9.) 11 Nov 2022 07:33:29
I think it is the one crying out for attention all the time 'I'm leaving, I'm leaving' that needs his mummy.
10.) 11 Nov 2022 09:50:13
Who would you go for then Skylark? Which manager and which 3 players in January?
11.) 12 Nov 2022 00:19:00
A. Frank is lucky that there is only 2 games between now and January.
B. Also in his corner is the fact nobody else wants the job.
C. Supported this Club for over 60 years, the majority of time from Lands far away. Have even played for Everton but that's another story. In all that time I struggle to think when it was worse run.
12.) 12 Nov 2022 04:33:43
To get back to Alan's original post our board is rubbish and that is not helped by owner who knows nothing on how to run a football club
People fondly look back to the days of Moyes when we probably punched above our weight but WE WON NOTHING
Then Moshiri came in and we have had a succession of managers, in no particular order, Martinez (not during Moshiri's ownership) , Koeman, Allardyce, Silva, Ancelotti, Benitez and now Frank and not including the interim managers in-between some of them
Some appointments have excited me and some I felt from the off wouldn't work. Every single one of them though has been let down by the owner and the board overlooking a recruitment policy where honestly I haven't a clue who made the decisions to buy or the contracts given. On any given signing the owner has made the decision, on others the owner's advisors, other the DOF, others the manager and possibly others the tea lady or whoever got the ear of Moshiri. Also who made the decisions to seemingly overpay so many?
Result? A squad of what Allan calls 'rubbishbags' and which ia probably weaker than the one left by Moyes and after hundreds of millions spent
I've no doubt Frank is currently on shaky ground. This owner and this board will quite happily sack any manager if it shifts the focus away from their failings. It's what they've done for the last 6 years. Then they will have another internal Strategic Review to judge themselves and fail to disclose anything, especially their wastefulness.
24 Jul 2022 10:33:01
I think if we can manage 20 draws and win 8 home games we should be safe this season not expecting anything better so i won't be too miserable or frustrated.
1.) 24 Jul 2022 11:11:11
Yep middle of the table Frank will need time to get us further up.
2.) 24 Jul 2022 11:19:10
I am not expecting a rip-roaring '180' to last season, though I will be disappointed if we haven't established some kind of 'hard to beat identity' by November and a steady and solid consistency to finish mid-table and relegation not even mentioned.
Foundations would then be laid for the future, hardly exciting I know, however I do believe it to be realistic.
3.) 24 Jul 2022 13:10:26
16th to 12th is progress but we will have a slow start and the groundhog day toxicity will abound and we will start again and the same points, comments and gripes will pollute the forums and call ins. And repeat for 2 more years. Yawn.
07 Mar 2023 19:00:55
They must have put it with the arteta money.
{Ed025's Note - love it alan..
04 Mar 2023 19:48:33
I’m hoping we will be a top team in a couple o years woburn.
01 Feb 2023 09:32:33
the only thing that is possible is that we will get relegated. I am trying to stay calm and rational about the whole thing at EFC but i am finding it hard. We have a board of CHEATS, SCOUNDRELS and DIRTY LOWDOWN SCUMBAGS. Moshiri is a liar and can't be trusted and kenwright and Baxendale have more bull than a bull.
31 Jan 2023 17:49:44
I now think that moshing is a big a fukin liar as kenwright oh and sharply your a fuking disgrace also but then again you have only ever been interested in yourself you fuking fraud.
{Ed025's Note - I shouldn’t post this because of the swearing. But I’m going to anyway..
31 Jan 2023 12:37:04
When you think our club can’t sink any lower. I honestly believe the board want us to go down as bad as that sounds.
31 Mar 2023 12:33:52
No the directors are stoned.
{Ed025's Note - or deserve to be alan.. :)
05 Mar 2023 20:48:20
No Woburn it was Dyche fault that he never changed it when he should have . In my opinion he should have taken off onana who was crap brought in Mina and moved Godfrey into midfield moving Iwobi further forward to support gray that would have put more pressure on them.
05 Mar 2023 16:42:15
That was on Dyche geoff he should have changed it from 70th minute but he is not good enough to see it.
01 Mar 2023 21:56:53
What did you expect tonight hoof.
01 Mar 2023 19:06:01
I would bite your hand off for that Woburn.