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Bluepasty's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Bluepasty's rumours posts


19 Jun 2024 08:13:43
Hi Ed's, just wondering as I read all the rubbish in the click abit probably like everyone else, I get sucked in with we are after this one and that one, if we sell one of our assets, so we don't get a points deduction again, will we have funds to spend, as reading the villa lad is around 10 mill which I'd like to no how we can spend that if we are skint, I no nothing of how the money works ect, so treat me like an idiot.


{Ed002's Note - The money would come from sales beyond what is required to avoid a third charge and further loans.}

1.) 19 Jun 2024 12:06:21
If the most of the current debt has been refinanced then we may be better off with operational cost plus any additional sponsorship would probably go to operational finances reducing liabilities and therefore improving our P&S. Things are looking better if you believe all the media but we are still not out of the woods.

{Ed002's Note - None of this matters in terms of what is required to be done by the end of the month.}



24 Sep 2023 09:24:26
My mate is a Southampton fan, messaged me saying he can't believe holgate is starting, first ball comes to him, takes too long on the ball, gets caught and the other team score. Was taken off at halftime. Looks like Southampton won't be buying him, so back to us again and more wasted wages.


1.) 24 Sep 2023 11:12:25
Just shows how bad our recruitment has been, but also our team selections. He’s struggling in the Championship, early days, I get that, but clearly no where near Premier League level.

2.) 24 Sep 2023 11:45:38
At one stage I remember that he was touted as the new Stones but better…

Can only hope he hasn’t long left on his contract and we can loan him out again next season. Maybe to somewhere in Europe.

3.) 24 Sep 2023 19:24:47
That lads confidence is shot. He's not as bad as everyone is making out. He needs a run of games to play himself into some form.
The championship is fast paced and physical, so he needs to adapt.
Don't get me wrong, he's long passed being an Everton player and does need to move on as do we. Issue is his contract which I don't know how long he has left.

4.) 24 Sep 2023 20:06:55
Holgate came before the Moshiri days guys.

5.) 24 Sep 2023 21:42:27
Judging by his comments when he went to Southampton I don't think his confidence is shot, more so that he has an extraordinary excess of confidence.

6.) 25 Sep 2023 09:46:48
Agree TD he was always a liability in our defence we are far better these days mate.

7.) 25 Sep 2023 23:29:48
Not always and he was initially thought well of.

8.) 26 Sep 2023 10:11:08
Wasn't he one of a couple of bright young things that included Tom Davies at one time, remember that trouncing of Man City at Goodison?

9.) 27 Sep 2023 17:25:04
It was only a few seasons ago that Holgate was playing really well for us. He was our best centre half, right back and defensive midfielder. His form went and then his confidence quickly followed. He has numerous chances to regain some form and confidence but it hasn't happened, his form now would struggle to get him on an intermediate team.
Unfortunately for us, Ben Godfrey has went pretty much the same way. Godfrey and Keane were taken right out of their comfort zones against Doncaster and struggled with their attacking players.

{Ed025's Note - if you think he has ever played really well you have a better memory than me Joe, i have always seen him as a liability mate..



19 Jul 2023 18:08:35
Alan Myers is saying 2 signing very close and 2 out, plus another one in and another one out on the way, make of that what you want, I think holgate is gone maybe cannon on loan, but who is in, well with what seven been served up so far could be anyone.


1.) 19 Jul 2023 18:14:46
Yeah not sure about Cannon he seems good enough to get into our first Team.

2.) 19 Jul 2023 18:31:54
2 new toffee ladies - because of our financial predicament instead of throwing toffees into the crowd fans are expected to throw any loose change into their baskets!

3.) 19 Jul 2023 18:52:36

4.) 19 Jul 2023 19:10:45
Danjuma yep.

5.) 19 Jul 2023 19:13:25
As long as it isn't the players GD, they would have no chance of hitting the basket.

6.) 19 Jul 2023 19:20:08
Cannon has to be given a chance. Out I have no clue but surely Maupay has to be one, Holgate looks to be another (Captaining U21's) . Striker, decent RW and creative mid hopefully in. Stories still persist about the paddle still missing on the financial kayak.

7.) 19 Jul 2023 19:21:29
Made me chuckle that dan ?.

8.) 19 Jul 2023 19:51:41
Smit666, Danjuma is not signing for us, just more click bait.

9.) 20 Jul 2023 11:08:38
As I said. Welcome Danjuma.




Bluepasty's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bluepasty's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 12:29:02
Now the end of the month has passed, how long will it take before we will no if we have breached any rules or no, will this be a lengthy process or not . Just hope we don't get half way threw the season with it hanging over our heads again, just ruins the season.


1.) 01 Jul 2024 13:20:23
Good question Bp am not sure meself tbh mate are we actually out of it or still in the ruff stuff be interesting if anyone does know or the eds know any inside knowledge on the current psr.

2.) 01 Jul 2024 15:52:07
I would liked to have known how much we were over, just hope that saga has finally finished mate.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 16:51:17
They have to submit their accounts to the Premier league by 31st December at the latest.
June 30th is just the end of the accounting year for Everton.
The published accounts don't show the final PSR figure as such.
Then the Premier league will decide whether it accepts Evertons PSR figure or what's been accounted towards/ against it.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 09:05:05
Still the debate over interest payments on the stadium to resolve. Prem say one thing and we say another.

Let us try to ignore the financial side for now and enjoy the feeling of positivity.

I for one am sick of trying to figure it all out.



01 Jun 2024 14:16:46
It's funny when you read all the gossip pages, one says we don't have a pot to p@#s in, then in another piece we are spending millions on players, I mean I think I speak for most of us when I say, we aren't buying anything, we owe money, we will sell players to cover what we owe and find loans and out of contract players, we are definitely in the biggest s@#t show since I've supported them, nearly 50 years ago, sooner our owner is out the better, and this may sound horrible but I hope he loses a bundle, we need to get back to the old days, buy players on the up like Moyes did and make them in to great players.




18 May 2024 11:25:44
Just wondering about Smith Rowe of arsenal, scores goals, can play as a winger or number 10, what's the chances of us getting him on loan, arsenal don't want him, I think he would be perfect as a replacement for dacoure, probably way out of our league but dreaming is ok now and again.


1.) 18 May 2024 12:35:36
Think be a very good signing BluePasty. He as the graft too. Don't think he would be totally out of our reach as well .

Definitely a case that we need to utilise our 2 loan slots a lot shrewder next season and actually try improve the first 11 with both.

2.) 18 May 2024 13:17:44
That’s the sort of players we will be looking to bring in, young and hungry.

3.) 18 May 2024 13:25:26
May suit Arsenal to loan him too. Type of deal I can imagine we’d look at and in a position (10) we desperately need.

4.) 18 May 2024 13:56:41
Not for me gents.

Fantastic player but has a worse injury record than DCL.

3926 minutes played out of a possible 17100, across 5 seasons of football. 322 minutes this season. 161 last season. His best season being 1909.

5.) 18 May 2024 16:35:59
Best season was 1909?! How old is he?

{Ed001's Note - going by that, just a couple of hundred years younger than Ed25.}

6.) 18 May 2024 17:10:07
Love it Ed mate.

7.) 18 May 2024 19:41:09
Fits our current recruitment policy Ed.

8.) 18 May 2024 20:06:30
Ed025 is a whipper snapper!

{Ed025's Note - if only DFS.. :)

9.) 19 May 2024 12:01:44
Love it JB ?.



15 May 2024 08:29:33
Just a thought, so sorry if this is a stupid question, But if we are being hung out to dry on these loans that have to be paid back before a certain time, can't our owner use his own money as a loan on a zero pay back option, Everton still have to pay him back, no intrest or a lot lower , its his money and his club, or is there some ruling this cannot happen.


1.) 15 May 2024 08:45:03
Sounds fair too sensible that BluePasty mate.

2.) 15 May 2024 09:30:08
Don’t think he’s got any money mate. He’s a billionaire due to investments he owns in companies. Apparently.

3.) 15 May 2024 14:12:21
Think his money disappeared with Usmanov. Since the invasion he's not put anything forward. He can't publicly say this of course.

4.) 15 May 2024 14:20:20
People don't have money just sitting in the bank. It'll be invested in all sorts of places. Moshiri has already invested a lot of his own money into the club and in it's current state would be stupid to put more in when he is selling it.

I would prefer he sticks with the club than 777 and just let the right people run it. In two years and with little or less drama possibly, he could get the value he holds it at or at least better equipped people looking at it as an investment.

5.) 15 May 2024 16:19:57
Does he shop at Aldi now?

6.) 15 May 2024 17:02:11
Nowt wrong with Aldi Nick, do a lovely selection of yogurts. ?.

7.) 16 May 2024 06:39:56
Look at the accounts

The club has a interest free loan out from Blue Sky Holdings, one of Moshiri's companies of £450m. Repayment date has not been fixed and I don't think they are secured against any assets of the club. I think this was an increase of approx 80m from previous year

Moshiri could, in theory, provide more but his heart isn't in the club, so I doubt he is willing to put in more when he is already facing losing hundreds of millions in selling the club. Personally I have little sympathy in his losses, the fool and his money are soon parted

The fact it leaves us in a hole does worry me.



14 Jan 2024 18:44:13
Just wondered if we had the money to buy Harrison and danjuma would you at the end of the season, personally I don't think would but who would you get in.


{Ed025's Note - good question that BP, i personally dont think we will be keeping any mate because of their price but if we could keep one it would be Harrison for me..

1.) 14 Jan 2024 18:49:40
Probably get Harrison on another loan if Leeds don't come up and of course we stay up!

{Ed025's Note - i think Leeds will be looking for money to strengthen Mocker, and as £30m was mooted when we showed interest mate i cant see it happening..

2.) 14 Jan 2024 18:54:12
Not really keen on keeping either. Neither player has an end product. Harrison works hard, but think we should be looking for more than that from a wide man.

3.) 14 Jan 2024 19:30:26
Wouldn't be getting involved at that price Ed025.

No doubt next season is going to be critical for us in terms of shrewd loans and freebies, all dependent on which division we are in and the prolonged take over mess and Points deduction shambles.

Are the premier league any closer to disclosing which premier league clubs are in danger of breaking FFP, know was meant to be public early in New Year?

{Ed025's Note - its still up in the air as far as i know Mocker mate..

4.) 14 Jan 2024 21:19:14
Rumours going around we’ve breached psr again so doubt we’ll be buying anyone.

5.) 14 Jan 2024 23:19:46
Didn't it say the other day that PSR breach did not involve Everton. If it is Everton then they may as well not bother playing the rest of the season. Moshri without a certain persons support (conjecture) , is loose limbed.

6.) 15 Jan 2024 08:05:11
Wouldn’t it be great if the players took a wage cut and and sharpe and the others gave some of their money back that they were given when the were SACKED for doing a rubbish job.




Bluepasty's rumour replies


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10 Jul 2024 19:14:12
At the end of the day we have all read reports of different players who aren't even being talked about now, who actually knows if we are in for him, the more they write the more we read, that's why they do it, if he had a chance to come to is over Ipswich of course he would come to us, they are going to be favourites to go straight back down, pmus we have a brand new stadium next season, come in even at 22 he must have some common sense, papers spread lies, papers spread gossip, thata why it's called the gossip columns, we all get sucked in, just wait and see who come threw the doors, personally I'm not sure where all this money is coming from all of a sudden, I'd expect a couple more loans and that would be it.




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10 Jul 2024 19:09:35
Club just need to say if they don't pay your going now where, we made you the player you are and if you need to stay another year that's what will happen end of.




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09 Jul 2024 13:17:32
Some one has come out and said this is not true even thou lots are saying it's TRUE, best way is to wait and see if he turns up for training, if he doesn't he's playing somewhere else.




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05 Jul 2024 06:18:42
I'm sorry but you will bever convince me che Adam's is a premiership player, there are better options out there than this, to me this would be a panick buy.




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04 Jul 2024 17:20:10
I agree watching Scotland was enough to show how nad he is, he isn't a prem player he is just about championship, we sold a player that was deemed not good enough to Coventry and he scored more goals, enough said.





Bluepasty's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 11:55:42
Or maybe he covered the loans, now we owe them the money and intrest so he now makes money from us by doing nothing, must be a fair bit of intrest on 200 mill.




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24 Jul 2024 11:54:25
I read that, when you see the figures he was estimating I'm suprise there's not a queue as long as goodison wanting to buy the club,




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24 Jul 2024 11:50:30
There is no way I can see us parting with him, unless it's stupid money and we have a cheaper option.




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18 Jul 2024 14:09:46
Definitely has something about him, ir remember.




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10 Jul 2024 07:35:51
Never sacked Martinez are you joking, he has to be the worst manager I've ever seen, he only did what he did with Everton because of Moyes, they still had that mentality and with his gun ho style it worked, but only that season, look at him as a national manager southgate is better would you want him to manage Everton, no thanks, dyche to me servs what we need, stability, is he going to win us anything, I doubt it, but we've swapped and changed looking for that pot of hold and it's not worked, so let's not all get sucked into, we need a new manager every season to win stuff, we need a manager to come in and stay long term that's the only way we have dyche lete see what he can do with pressure off abit, some money, never no he may just suprise us,




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