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bw2412 v2.0's rumours posts with other poster's replies to bw2412 v2.0's rumours posts


21 Jan 2023 09:22:33
The Echo and Romano are saying everything agreed on Danjuma but that it is a straight loan = NO buy option

Can any of the EDs explain what we will have to do, if anything, with Coady or Vinagre so that he can play?

Many thanks.

bw2412 v2.0

{Ed002's Note - Buy Coady or liaise with Sporting to buy out the remainder of RVs loan and send him back.}

1.) 21 Jan 2023 11:27:46
Vinagre is a strange one, does anyone know who brought him in?

2.) 21 Jan 2023 11:29:55
Doesn't matter now.

3.) 21 Jan 2023 11:28:14
Thanks Ed

Do you know if we have started doing anything on either?

{Ed002's Note - Lampard wants to sign Coady.}

4.) 21 Jan 2023 11:52:22
Was there a fee agreed to buy Coady at the end of this season and if so how much

Can we pay Vinagre his wages from here until end of season but exclude him from squad list and effectively therefore terminate his loan or do Sporting have to give their OK or else it's invalid.

5.) 21 Jan 2023 12:53:03
ED02 didn't you mention Coadyvis reluctant until he's confident we won't get Relegated so I can't see him agreeing to a permanent transfer just yet.

{Ed002's Note - Yes.{}

6.) 21 Jan 2023 17:09:30
Well then tell him to do one. We really wouldn’t miss him.



10 Feb 2022 02:38:48
A bit left field this but do the Eds or any of the posters know what the current situation is with Sigurdsson?

bw2412 v2.0

{Ed002's Note - Sigurdsson will leave in the summer.}

1.) 10 Feb 2022 20:57:41
Will not be missed.

2.) 11 Feb 2022 03:28:23
I agree Woburn but I was wondering when the police will make a decision whether to prosecute or not, Whether we managed to negotiate a reduced salary while he can't play for us and is suspended and whether there are factors we need to consider at the end of his contract

At the end of the day he is still innocent in the eyes of the law but he and us are suffering until it is resolved.

3.) 11 Feb 2022 12:24:47
Well as the police are involved bw I am sure it won’t be done anytime soon.
I wonder if they sent the club a “sorry for your loss” letter. ?.

4.) 11 Feb 2022 16:42:48
"He and us that are suffering"

Seriously? He and us are far from the victim.

5.) 11 Feb 2022 19:08:06
I think he has been bailed until April, BW, I'd expect him to be either charged or exonerated at that point. Be crazy to extend his bail yet again.

6.) 11 Feb 2022 19:17:13
If he's cleared do we have any recourse? Lost a player who may well have been sold or loaned or played and scored some vital goals this season. Seems the club has been dealt a tough hand. Surely these situations must be considered in contracts? The longer it goes on the more it looks like a flakey case if any. Surely if he was guilty and evidence was there, he'd have been dealt with by now?

7.) 11 Feb 2022 21:08:57
?????????? @ FatChris.

8.) 12 Feb 2022 09:32:29
I apologise FChris if you are inferring I should have included the young girl involved and her family in the victims. I did not mean any offense excluding them and understand your feelings.

The police arrested Siggy in July last year but as yet, over six months on, have not pressed charges which can't be acceptable to Siggy or the alleged victims. We don't know the full details but I find it difficult to believe it needed to take this long.

Everton don't face the prospect of jail or the accused being found not guilty which some could say is the main consequence but we will have lost the use of Siggy for a whole season, possibly will have paid him £7million in wages (unless we negotiated a reduction when we suspended him) and lost any value he could have had for the team this season

It's a mess for Siggy and his family, the victim and her family and Everton and the longer it drags on increases the pain to those involved.

9.) 12 Feb 2022 17:18:30
If police have seized electronics it can take 6 months to get back deleted data, so I wouldn't be reading anything into the 6 months of silence just yet.

10.) 13 Feb 2022 12:22:05
TomTom272 correct but also been told he won't be charged.

11.) 13 Feb 2022 13:16:38
Ah OK, I haven't heard anything about charges!

12.) 14 Feb 2022 10:13:06
I have been told.

13.) 14 Feb 2022 11:10:09
What have you been told then, DFS? The last I read was that he was to answer his bail in April after it was extended a few months ago. Even Mendy from city was bailed so it's no indication of whether he is guilty or not.
If all charges are dropped, would we even want him back for the last month? His contact is up this summer as well, I doubt we will see him in a blue shirt again.



27 Jan 2022 08:23:41
Read in the Athletic that Lewis Dobbin has signed a new 3 and a half tear contract with us

Finally some good news.

bw2412 v2.0

1.) 27 Jan 2022 11:19:46
Agree bw, it is about time we had a bit of good news. Think this lad could be really good for us. Just need a manager who likes playing younger players now.

2.) 27 Jan 2022 12:20:43
We have one, the problem is he's only interim and won't be considered for the job.

3.) 27 Jan 2022 12:49:13
Hes already ruled himself out of the job.

4.) 27 Jan 2022 17:49:45
Get him some game time now. Not been the best place for young players over the past few years, I hope with a new manager that changes.



10 Aug 2021 13:46:09
Have any of the Eds or another poster got an update on Thierry Small?

Wasn't it 1st August he could sign for another club. Has he returned to training with us?

bw2412 v2.0

{Ed025's Note - sorry bw i have heard nothing on him mate..

1.) 10 Aug 2021 19:33:55
Nothing to do with Everton but is anyone else going to start with DCL in the fantasy football?



09 Aug 2019 01:17:55
Not a 100% perfect transfer window but still a very good one where we

Signed a goalkeeper which improves our cover for Pickford and which allows Virginia to go out on loan and gain valuable experience

Signed a right back on loan for a year who will really challenge Seamus for his place. After a year we have the option to sign him if he is a success, bring back Kenny if he has improved out on loan or look at the situation again but we're now in a much better situation

Centre back is why I am saying not 100 % but let's not forget Gbamin can play as centre half so we have provided some cover and I think Mina will prove himself this season

In midfield, unfortunately Gueye has left us but he goes with all our best wishes and we have Delph and Gbamin as strong signings, Don't forget we also got one of our prime targets Gomes on a permanent for really good price

In attack MOISE KEAN! What a signing and again what a bargain he will turn out to be. He's young but is our new Lukaku and him and Calvert Lewin will push each other. Iwoebi came in very late and he is an big improvement to the squad

All in all a good transfer window and my thanks to Brands and all his team, the owner for his support and Marco for selling the project


bw2412 v2.0

1.) 09 Aug 2019 07:46:36
Really good window mate.

2.) 09 Aug 2019 09:21:32
On top of this they have also managed to move out a lot of the squad that weren't getting a game with more to come until the European window closes

Others have also strengthened but we knew that would happen.
I think we have a chance of catching Chelsea and Wolves, I'm not sure Arsenals attack can offset its lack of defence and I also think Man Utd are there for the taking, even with Maguire so BRING IT ON


3.) 09 Aug 2019 17:44:28
Only problem for Virginia is my mates who are Reading fans said he had a bit of a mare for his first game and reading picked up some Brazilian keeper during the window
Hope he does get some game time though as I heard he looks a great prospect.




bw2412 v2.0's banter posts with other poster's replies to bw2412 v2.0's banter posts


28 Apr 2024 04:23:37
So, safe with 3 matches left. What were we worried about?

First of all, a big thank you to Sean Dyche and the team for making us safe in, what has not been a stellar season for us. Add on the points though, that were taken from us, and we'd be mid tablish

Dyche has his faults. He doesn't seem (to me) to make substitutions as quick or as effectively as most of us would like. He has not brought any youth through with the exception of the excellent Branthwaite but he even seemed reluctant at first to bring him into the first team

People say he is negative in his team set up and tactics. Defensively minded and "hoof ball". I'd agree but would say what is he supposed to do with the squad he's been given?

We are a team lacking in pace. Go through the team and who's got real pace? I'd argue that only Godfrey has it and even he isn't the same player as he was before his injuries. Coleman, Gomes, McNeil, Gueye, Young, Beto frankly don't have it

We're still not buying well. Beto and Chermiti? Did they really justify their fees/ wages? Were they really better than keeping Simms and/ or Cannon and spending the money on other positions. The same could be said of Danjuma and Harrison on loan. We've still not solved our problems at right back (possibly even both flanks as neither side offers much offensively) . I wish him (Deli) well but why did we buy Deli with his wages? Onana - we might actually make some money if we sell him but he's not been a success in my opinion - a poor mans Pogba with all the hype

One answer as to why we bought Deli possibly could be the lack of creativity in midfield. There is no one with good figures on assists or build up play. I think we must be the worst in the division

With all of the above Dyche had to, in my opinion, be pragmatic. He made us difficult to score against, The fact we are second to Arsenal in clean sheets is a testament to that and to the excellence on Pickford, Tarkovsky and Branthwaite in particular. The lack of pace in midfield forced him play 2 DM's in the majority of games. The lack of creativity meant we had to rely on set pieces, 2nd balls. The football hasn't been attractive but it's been very effective and we're staying up

Next season people are calling for a new manager with an attacking philosophy, bringing in new, younger, players. All very good but all very dangerous if not done right

Whatever we do I hope we recognise the job Dyche has done for us under very difficult conditions.

bw2412 v2.0

1.) 28 Apr 2024 07:05:17
I think the answers to some of your questions could be" thelwell"

2.) 28 Apr 2024 08:31:56
You might we'll be right Skylark.

Bad signings and lack of youth coming through point more to Director of Football weaknesses.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 08:44:44
Excellent post BW. ?.

4.) 28 Apr 2024 09:37:26
Disagree Thelwell is a big reason behind the push to level up the Club. The incompetence at the Club has been headed by Moshri/ A. N. Other and 'trusted' advisors (who now that the Inn of plenty has dried up, have cut and run) . Add to that the determination of Richard Masters to ward off the incoming Independent Regulator by the attempted destruction of a historic founding Member of the very League he leads. In my view Dyche has done a fantastic job. I believe Masters has dug a hole so deep that it has now awoken some very powerful people.

5.) 28 Apr 2024 09:57:54
BW, the only point about Godfrey I would add is look where he is playing (and still doing a good job) . The lad is primarily left sided. With the whole Squad fit and well he would be in his natural position. Young in my view has played better the last couple of games because he has green in his natural left side position.

6.) 28 Apr 2024 13:05:38
Think if we do sell Branthwaite then Godfrey might find himself back in the middle.

7.) 28 Apr 2024 13:15:15
The only thing I said about Godfrey is that he hasn't shown the same pace as regularly as he did before his fairly serious injury and the bout of C.V. he had.

Personally I'm surprised Garner hasn't been played at right back more this season because he looked good there last season and even got into the England squad in that position. I can only put it down to Dyche not being happy with Gueye and Onana as the 2 DM's.

8.) 28 Apr 2024 13:23:22
It is strange about Garner. As for Gueye in particular, confidence is a wonderful thing, looks like the original.



18 Nov 2023 02:41:24
Admittedly I've not read the full verdict but 10 points seem harsh

Did we do anything wrong? Again, without reading the full verdict, I think we probably did and Moshiri and the board at the time need to take responsibility for that

The only good thing is we have the manager, the team and the supporters to get us out of this mess and relegation trouble

Should we appeal? Would we win an appeal or could we be penalised more (like players can be)

I think we should take advantage of the wave of support, the coming together of Everton and its supporters and write a new page in the Everton history books


bw2412 v2.0

1.) 18 Nov 2023 12:08:00
19.5m over three years, doe's that really warrant a 10 point fine?



12 Nov 2023 00:49:03
Well done the team and Dyche. Hard fought but deserved with every one of them having a part to play.

bw2412 v2.0



07 Oct 2023 13:39:58
I'd play 352 today
Tarkowski, Godfrey, Branthwaite

Garner, Harrison, Onana, McNeil, Danjuma

Beto, DCL

Patterson and Mykie have not convinced me as EPL quality and I would look forward to Garner/ Harrison and McNeil/ Danjuma linking up.

bw2412 v2.0

1.) 07 Oct 2023 13:56:50
That Team above is about the best we have.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 14:03:44
If the bbc sports website lineup is correct then I understand fans frustrations. I'm still not saying sack dyche but surely garner is nailed on to start central midfield?!

3.) 07 Oct 2023 14:14:58
So if it’s not working why keep trying it. Guys far to cautious.

4.) 07 Oct 2023 14:22:07
I agree his selections have been baffling last weekend but I'm not sure I disagree with the using 1 striker at a time after all the fitness issues. We now have our 9 back and need to keep getting games into him and Beto has to be given the grace to take his time settling in. We are now much more stacked in the striker options. It's the gana issue for me. Onana plays much more like the player we thought we'd got when gana is left out. And Garner has to be in the centre. We can all see it. I'm sure we won't go from bottom contender to top8 with that change but we will certainly win enough games like that to get maximum points from this squad and more than enough to be safe comfortably. He's got to be gone if we lose today. Pressure is on UTFT!

5.) 07 Oct 2023 14:39:10
Idrissa starts again billing will leave him for dead ????.

6.) 07 Oct 2023 15:18:13
Correction idrissa got injured in the warm up get in Garner boom ??COYB.

{Ed001's Note - maybe Everton's luck is turning? Harsh as that may be on Gueye, but he has been dog muck for you and Garner is key in the centre.}

7.) 07 Oct 2023 16:24:48
Told ya 3 or 4.1 today Ed ??????.

{Ed025's Note - good win RON. But that Bournemouth are awful mate..

8.) 07 Oct 2023 15:45:10
Totally agree ed001.



25 Aug 2023 08:58:46
Just 3 hours to go to sign anybody in time for them to be available for tomorrow

Any movement?

Of course not

Bottom of the table and another 3 points at risk.

bw2412 v2.0

1.) 25 Aug 2023 09:46:27
Its absolutely disgusting that we have got to this point of the window and still no striker, said it all along darnjuma is our back up striker, we won't get anyone else.

2.) 25 Aug 2023 10:21:33
I thought we bought a striker earlier in the window?

3.) 25 Aug 2023 10:23:37
Why not just play Cannon while he's here? He's in squad and only natural striker fit. Otherwise just sell him as he obviously not trusted to play. He's 20yr old for petes sake. What's worst can happen? He misses all opportunities to score on Saturday? . Well Maupay the same, but Cannon may actually put it in the net once or twice.

4.) 25 Aug 2023 12:29:57
Totally agree he must have something SD doesn't see. i know they are championship clubs but plenty of them fancy him. but we won't know how good he is till he is given the chance. he will probably start with the same 11 on Saturday and play cannon and branthwaite and chermiti against Doncaster on Wednesday.

5.) 25 Aug 2023 17:18:25
BK and his acolytes crossing everything they have that we get a result against Wolves.




bw2412 v2.0's rumour replies


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25 Aug 2023 13:15:17
And who replaces Holgate in the squad?

McGuire? I bloody hope not

At this rate Dyche will have 4 keepers and 3 outfield players on his bench.

bw2412 v2.0



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25 Aug 2023 06:46:10
Let not forget the millions in settlement for 3 useless directors that deserved nothing and that should have been forced out years ago for incompetence but, because they never stood up to Moshiri, were kept on

Finally, criticism from the fans and pressure from MSP about a deal that never came to fruition got them to leave with a nice big pay day

No wonder we have very little for players

And now we're getting the same old "We are working diligently" on arranging the stadium finance as we are on finding players

The club is in a right mess, all down to Moshiri really but Bill isn't complaining - he's waiting for his pay off and couldn't give a damn about the club he professes to love.

bw2412 v2.0



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22 Aug 2023 03:04:40
We've got the Greenwood 'tape' and the racist abuse of Onana

Why can't we just agree that neither are acceptable and have nothing at all to do with the people responsible?

There really are no excuses.

bw2412 v2.0



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14 Aug 2023 09:13:09
If he is likely to be out until October we are wasting a loan space. We have enough crocks as it is already.

bw2412 v2.0



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14 Aug 2023 01:33:29
The Echo are saying he's out until October with a hip injury. Hope it's not true or he will be like Vinagre or El Ghazi - signed to sit on the bench all season.

bw2412 v2.0




bw2412 v2.0's banter replies


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16 Jun 2024 11:05:03
As a qualified accountant I'd be interested why you think that Ed instead of a bland dismissal. It looks to me that you are the one staying clear of explaining yourself.

bw2412 v2.0

{Ed002's Note - Because you clearly have no idea about football finances. And as an accountant one would have thought you would know whether it was legal or not.}



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16 Jun 2024 11:06:05
A great ambassador for the game and for Everton.

bw2412 v2.0



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16 Jun 2024 05:45:16
What he's saying is we sell DCL for 59m
As we bought him for peanuts and he's only got 1 year left on his contract we could book the vast majority of the sale as profit in the year ending June 2024

If we then bought Broja for 50m the 50m would be spread over the term of his contract, let's say 5 years. The first 10m (50 divided by 5) would be booked in the year 24/ 25 so the year following the booking of the profit on DCL

It would help profitability for year ending 30 June 2024 but does little or nothing for sustainability i. e. avoiding Administration

I can't tell you if it is legal but it's what would happen with unrelated transfers so why not?

bw2412 v2.0

{Ed002's Note - I really would advide you to stay clear of the finances.}



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09 Jun 2024 10:44:45
There was an article in the ECHO a couple of days ago that said Everton need to alter the PSR profitability figures last year from £63 m to around $38m. Unfortunately that 63m included profits from the sale of Gordon of approx 40m so we need an improvement from £103m (63+40) to £38 or 65m

There's lot of other pluses and minuses such as no costs for paying off the old useless directors, increased revenue from our improved league position offset by the return of Ali and Gomes from loan etc etc

What is clear though however is that we need to sell some of our players to have a hope of meeting the PSR rules. We could flout them for the third year in a row but that would run the risk falling foul of further points deductions

We would make far more profit from selling Branthwaite who, apart from a very small sell on clause would be all profit. Onana comes with a higher sell on clause and we would have to offset any sales with the unused amortisation of his contract

Apart from PSR profitability our other major issue is that we are awash with debt. We owe MSP, R&M, 777 and Moshiri over £1.2 billion. On top of that the stadium isn't finished and we losing every month, adding to our debts to keep running

There's hope there's new buyers in the wind but nothing concrete and nothing immediate and at any point one of our debtors could tip us into administration so selling players just to pay the loan debt is a very real threat to us.

bw2412 v2.0



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23 May 2024 00:38:39
But that's the problem BN. in my view we need far more than 30m from Onama before the June deadline or we will still be in P&S violation territory

WE need to sell 2 or 3 of our best players before 30th June in a fire sale and then find some cheap, preferably free, replacements before the season starts

I'm not sure Thelwells up to it.

bw2412 v2.0



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