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NickB57's rumours posts with other poster's replies to NickB57's rumours posts


18 Jun 2024 22:35:37
Hi eds

Is it too soon to get excited about the proposed buyout, and should we be concerned if it does? I seem to remember ed002 saying it was not his preferred choice of buyer. Cheers.


{Ed002's Note - It is moving ahead. We are at the start of the process - Friedkin agrees a period of exclusivity with Moshiri > Conducts due diligence > gets PL approval for the takeover ensuring the MSP debt is repaid and wages paid in the interim through loans > talks to creditors about how their debts will be met > all directors go through the whole process to obtain approval from the Premier League, FA and the Financial Conduct Authority.

In the interim, the club need to make sufficient sales by the end of June to avoid a third charge.}

1.) 19 Jun 2024 10:43:27
Hi Ed, nice update hopefully goes through problem free as whilst apparently not the best choice would appear far better than 777 and also has previous experience in football and has done fairly well turning Roma around.

In respect to your comment regarding sales before the end of June and then it being also reported that we’re not keen for Branthwaite to be sold unless a massive offer are you able to shed light on who is likely to be sold before end of June to satisfy PSR issues?

Will the new deal with castore as well as the new deal with the internet company for the stadium also help towards PSR issues or would that be in a different period?


{Ed002's Note - I cannot answer about the timings of transfers and certainly any new owner or sponsorship will not help with the historical PSR issues. Selling Branthwaite would be the answer. Selling other ex Academy players would also help. Selling the likes of Onana would help but would not bring in as much in funds as the ex Academy players.}

2.) 19 Jun 2024 20:29:13
Thanks for the reply.

Hoping if we do sell Branthwaite we get a decent price for him as the £35m reported that Utd offered seems way too low for him. Was very impressive last season and as poor as we were he helped to keep the second highest clean sheets in the league and would only expect him to improve.

Just out of interest who are the ex-academy players you mentioned?


3.) 19 Jun 2024 21:32:53

4.) 19 Jun 2024 21:33:36
Jarrad’s scope for improvement is frightening. People forget he came into the game late and was schooled at Carlisle.



10 May 2024 20:29:30
With 777 allegedly calling in restructuring experts, is this the start of possible asset stripping?


{Ed002's Note - If that is the case Everton need to step away immediately. There is a fix, but it will be hard work.}

1.) 10 May 2024 20:39:33
How can that happen ED (the step away) ! I agree with you by the way.

{Ed002's Note - The restructuring is not of Everton.}

2.) 10 May 2024 20:39:36
Thanks for that ed. I wish you could influence Mr Morshiri.



17 Apr 2024 01:02:10
Reading on the internet that the Reims manager Will Still was spotted at the Chelsea game on Monday. The article suggested he could be seen as a possible replacement for Dyche. Do any eds know if this has any mileage?


{Ed002's Note - Will Still (C) Reims are aware that Still will likely depart in the summer after turning down an improved contract and an extension. Still has made his desire to coach West Ham clear but Sullivan has resisted but that may change in the summer. Sunderland are very keen on Still but it seems unlikely he will want to drop down to the Championship.}

1.) 18 Apr 2024 10:27:19
Will still have Dyche no doubt.

2.) 19 Apr 2024 14:27:52
Dyche will see out his contract imo, whether in the prem or championship.



24 Jan 2023 12:55:01
So Frank sacked by phone. How trivial. Surely a man could at least tell him to his face. Like Frank or not he deserved respect.


{Ed025's Note - absolutely nick..

1.) 24 Jan 2023 13:08:28
Nothing suprises me at our club bud.

2.) 24 Jan 2023 13:28:11
That is how low this regime has dragged us, very poor and cowardly.

3.) 24 Jan 2023 13:28:41
That's appalling, shows you the depths they have sunk. Did someone say this us the third best paid board in the Prem.

4.) 24 Jan 2023 14:40:40
Maybe that's the way forward. Instead of banners to protest against the board, we should all ring up to voice our concerns about our club.

5.) 24 Jan 2023 14:47:37
Surely could have done it while they where all in London. Not a good advert for the next manager.

6.) 24 Jan 2023 16:35:47
The statement they put out 4-5hours after everyone knew also left a poor taste in the mouth!

7.) 24 Jan 2023 19:24:05
you once sacked a manager in the back of a taxi so what's the difference taxi or mobile phone?



11 Feb 2022 22:17:50
Looks like FM is at it again. Reports that following an unsuccessful / unimpressive interview with the board, FM has decided to offer Steve Hitchin the job of DOF. Oh dear where are we going to end up.


1.) 12 Feb 2022 06:54:43
How do you know that? ??‍♂️.

2.) 12 Feb 2022 08:14:09
That seems far fetched even for Everton. Mind you, who knows how people think or even if they are qualified to interview candidates. I was once reccomended for a job, I got it but some of the feedback (from one person in particular) was more to do with dress (I. T. and worked at home and/ or remotely) .

3.) 12 Feb 2022 10:21:07
If it was a poor interview and they are offering job can't say how they would make that knowledge. Who said poor interview. Sounds like trouble maker.

4.) 12 Feb 2022 15:08:50
Where did you see this?

5.) 12 Feb 2022 18:44:35
I read via various reports he interviewed well, I don't know if true obvs.

6.) 13 Feb 2022 11:22:51
How would anybody other than the people on the interview panel know that? I smell bull….




NickB57's banter posts with other poster's replies to NickB57's banter posts


22 May 2024 03:13:11
Anyone fancy Mauricio Pochettino as manager? I would. What he could set up for us long term would turn this club around.


1.) 22 May 2024 07:06:20
Apart from the fact it doesn't look like SD is going anywhere, what is the fascination with MP? Did well at Southampton but has flattered to deceive at other clubs, despite the wealth of talent at his disposal. Bit overrated for me. Doubt he would come to us anyway, I reckon he will be expecting a call from Utd rather than slumming it with us.

2.) 22 May 2024 07:17:27
I'd prefer Pep, Enrique or Ancelotte back. However, none of them would go anywhere near us and we can't afford any of them.

In Dyche we trust.

3.) 22 May 2024 07:31:17
There is as much a chance of that as there is of you saying something positive about Dyche.

4.) 22 May 2024 09:08:18
I think your forgetting the difference in teams, billion team and a team made up of not so great players with a couple exceptions, he wouldn't be the man for the job, why would he be, has he ever been in a dog fight, I doubt it, has he ever had to work with constraints, I doubt it, he's had a wealth of top players to work with, even at Southampton they had some very good players, dyche for me is the only person who can keep this team in the prem until we have new owners and maybe abit of cash to splash on decent players, till then be thankful we have what we have or we would be in the championship by now, we do not need a new manager, this is why we are in this position, don't you lot get it.

5.) 22 May 2024 09:21:10
Love it Reg, daftest thing he’s said yet mate ??.

6.) 22 May 2024 09:22:03
Is this the manager that has been sacked at the last three clubs he has been at, despite having good squads and plenty of cash? What makes you think he would be able to do a better job at EFC than SD especially in our current situation?

7.) 22 May 2024 09:28:20
Definitely turned that Chelsea disaster around but amazingly never got any credit for the form they had since Xmas. His last interview did for him and I like that he didn't hold back and wasn't brown nosing to keep his job. He ain't coming here because he's on big big money but he'd definitely get us up the table and his contacts would be unbelievable for our summer business. And he ain't coming here because he will walk into a far bigger job. Chelsea have been very silly.

8.) 22 May 2024 13:11:46
FBS is spot on.

Just because you get sacked, doesn't mean you did a bad job. Gary O'Neil, Moyes are just a couple that spring to mind in recent years.

Finishing 5 points off the Champions league with everything going on at that club is an achievement for me. They may have splashed millions on players but apart from Palmer, Gallagher, Caicedo, I wouldn't want many of their players. Poch came in for them and had to take over a bunch of individuals, far from a cohesive unit.

I also think he did good jobs at Southampton and Spurs. Spurs finished 2nd at one point, if I'm not mistaken. He was then never backed in the market by Levy to close that gap.

All that being said, I don't want Poch at us as we are a special case. Dyche seems a good fit to get us through this mess. The football may not be pretty but he has experience in all the right areas.

9.) 22 May 2024 13:37:57
There is absolutely nothing to suggest that he would 'definitely' get us up the table from looking at his previous jobs, absolutely nothing at all. Bar Southampton, his jobs have had squads littered with elite players yet he has struggled considerably with bringing success to them teams. Even the Saints had a few top notch players that moved on for big fees.
If you're going to credit him with turning Chelsea around then you have to admit that he took almost until Christmas to get them playing. He wouldn't get that time with us! When you say he would take us higher than SD, are you taking into account the points deduction or do you mean higher than what we would have finished if they had given is back the points? I'm not so sure on either to be honest. Most overrated manager in the Premier league since Graham Potter in my opinion.

10.) 22 May 2024 13:56:59
We need stability
Changing managers will not give stability
Stick with Dyche for at least another season he's deserved that after what he's had to deal with since he's joined our club.

11.) 22 May 2024 14:12:54
He didn't get sacked. Mutual agreement means he wasn't going to play their game and promise not to continue to distance himself from the farce. He doesn't need them and that's why he left. So Spurs? At the time they were on a par with us though always edged the best of the rest and he then moved em up to be one of the top 4 and a CL final. Pretty silly to suggest that wasn't an improvement. PSG are same as Chelsea. 1st season wasn't great but won all they could after that. They certainly haven't improved since just maintaining the status quo. So what are you on about? PSGs problem will always be the French league and that it isn't good enough to attract the best players. They'll never win the CL because of that. Crazy to suggest he didn't start to get a tune out of a crazy Chelsea squad and crazy to think the upturn wouldn't have continued next season. Whatever suits your Everton world view I guess. Guess you're one of the loons that dislikes Carlo too. Nuff said.

12.) 22 May 2024 15:22:35
His wages on their own would put us in trouble again with FFP ??? SD is staying end of story. but I do think Chelsea have dropped a bollock agreeing to let him go. De zeerbie or the Ipswich lad are favourites i think.

13.) 22 May 2024 15:26:11
Well I stirred up a hornets nest there lol. Good to see some have sense and can see beyond GBs best mate. ???.

14.) 22 May 2024 15:27:04
Weren't Saints near bottom when he arrived? Got em out playing football? Espanol had em beating Barcelona and punched above weight regularly too eh? Interesting hmmm.

15.) 22 May 2024 16:01:36
Dyche would win everything in France with the team Poch had at his disposal! But to say the French league isn't good enough to attract the best players? Are you kidding? Go and look at the players they have signed in the last decade and get back to is. Messi, Neymar, Mbappe etc etc.
Not entirely sure who you're directing your reply to as it refers to a few of the above posts. But is there really any need for the jibe at the end? Opinions, pal, we all have them and they don't have to be the same as your own. Mad one that, eh?

16.) 22 May 2024 17:34:03
You rate Naymar? Messi was how old? Mbappe is French and was playing for his home club. Otherwise it's not quite top tier players who want a payday. Pal.

17.) 22 May 2024 17:38:45
I could win the league in France. messi neymar ect were attracted by the million pound contracts. but I do rate poch think he was available at the time and they paid him stupid money. I don't rate tuchel but loads think he is brilliant. its everyone's own opinion and that's why i love reading what all your opinions are on stuff. keep the banter going lads. Love it.

18.) 22 May 2024 17:49:35
Wrong again Nick as usual not best mate but best manager for the job, he proved he kept us up mate.

19.) 22 May 2024 18:22:18
I think you may have answered your own question there by listing 3 players that all signed for the same club and what could be considered nowadays, the only club in France.

What players PSG sign, does not improve the overall landscape of the French league. Just like Bayern Munich in Germany. Even then, there are the seasons where some of the lesser-dominate sides make a run at the title, like Leverkusen this year.

Poch took Espanyol from relegation to mid-table in his first season and notably got them their first win at the Nou Camp in 27 years.

He then took over at Saints and got them an 8th place finish and their highest points tally in PL history.

He then took over at Spurs, becoming their 10th manager in 12 seasons. He got them a 5th place finish and a cup final appearance, whilst having promoted many young academy players into the 1st team. Then came a season where he got them a 2nd place finish in the league. A champions league runner up. He was the 3rd fastest manager to reach 100 PL wins.

He won a cup with PSG and runner up in first season and then won the league the following year.

Which takes us to present day where he has just been sacked for getting a 6th place finish, 5 pts off champions league with a squad that has been assembled by anyone but him.

Games managed 649
Games won 316
Games drawn 144
Games lost 189

When you factor in a lot of those games were with Espanyol, Southampton, an approx win percentage of 50 % seems pretty decent to me.

That being said and I reiterate, I don't think he would be a good fit to manage us.

20.) 22 May 2024 19:02:15
Well he isn't coming so let's not worry about it lol ??????.

21.) 22 May 2024 19:27:52
It’s as stupid as the question mate, at least we all had a laugh.

22.) 22 May 2024 19:29:10
FBS, you make me laugh with how defensive you get when we don't agree with your views. Pal is another word for mate, I use them both at times, weird how you want to use that in a condescending manner but each to their own. Pal ?
You said none of the best players would go to France, you never mentioned anything else. Whether they are there for the cash or at the end of their careers, they were all star names.
BN, his stint at Espanyol started well but that's not how it ended. By the time he left they were back at the bottom of the league. As you would expect, his lowest win ratio was with them at 32.92% and his highest with PSG at 65.48%. Breaking them all down further for clarity, at Spurs it was 54.27% and Chelsea 50.98%. At Southampton he hit 38.33%
For me, that shows that he was better with the bigger clubs. Obviously, the stats aren't really a comparison as they are affected by the amount of time at the club and the amount of games played.
Espanyol 161 games
Southampton 60 games
Spurs 292 games
PSG 84 games
Chelsea 51 games.

I don't know mate, I just feel he is overrated. He did well with teams that had better players, I've always thought anyway. In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure of the players he had at Southampton. In my head he had the likes of VVD and Mane in his team but that could be wrong.



09 May 2024 02:05:59
Man Utd tipped to appoint Sean Dyche as successor to Erik ten Hag in astonishing move by Sir Jim Ratcliffe. Must be a joke by Teamtalk lol.


1.) 09 May 2024 07:29:57

2.) 09 May 2024 10:16:57
Just a throw away comment from Martin Tyler that's been turned into a story.

3.) 10 May 2024 19:55:59
Ha! That’s the best one I’ve heard in a while.



15 Apr 2024 20:23:01
Well that didn't take Chelsea long to open the scoring. Let's see how Dyche stops the floodgates now.


1.) 15 Apr 2024 20:54:45
Don't think anyone could help them tonght. Hopefully Chelsea declare.



02 Apr 2024 23:04:19
Would anyone take Potter to the end of the season? I would not trust Dyche to get the points we need to be safe.


1.) 02 Apr 2024 23:50:24
I would but to be honest I don’t see any manager coming to us until ownership and league safety is assured.

2.) 03 Apr 2024 00:49:54
I would take him even if his only experience is running that night club. We would have to improve the disabled access though in the dug out.

3.) 03 Apr 2024 08:29:31
Spat out my morning coffee reading thay Avro176. first time I have laughed when on this site in months lol.



01 Apr 2024 20:12:27
Have you a prediction for tomorrow night GB? I don't see any points for us I'm sorry to say.


1.) 01 Apr 2024 20:29:36
I’m going for a win tomorrow mate 0-2 and a win on Sat as well bout time our luck changed, Newcastle shipping goals and many of their top players injured including Gordon.

2.) 01 Apr 2024 21:06:51
If you are correct then give me six numbers for Saturdays lotto mate ?.

3.) 01 Apr 2024 23:59:03
I hope you are correct GB. Just remind me when was the last time we scored twice and didn't let one in. Also the last time we won two on the row and for that matter the last time we actually won one? Unfortunately at my age the memory starts to go!

4.) 02 Apr 2024 07:09:03
Has to start sometime mate.




NickB57's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 22:37:48
Seems to me Morshiri is playing them all off against each other to get the best price. Shambles of a man.




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20 Jul 2024 23:49:29
I'd like to give him a couple of pounds of my flesh with what he's done to us ed.




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19 Jul 2024 18:37:35
Complete shambles.




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07 Jul 2024 14:01:05
I would quite like the job. It would give me free entry each game ?.


{Ed025's Note - im not applying until we get to BMD Nick..



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07 Jul 2024 13:59:42
Hopefully we are finally coming out of a long dark tunnel GB. Let's hope it is complete by next week with plenty of time for restructuring in readiness for the new season. COYB.





NickB57's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 18:40:45
I'm going to the stadium in a few weeks ?.




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03 Jul 2024 22:07:46
And sooner the better.




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01 Jun 2024 14:02:34
Cheers ed. I fly to Rhodes Monday. I might look for a Greek shipping billionaire who wants someone to marry his daughter and offers a couple of billion in return ?.


{Ed002's Note - Enjoy Nick.}



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01 Jun 2024 13:44:18
I too am pleased. I am not keen on being owned by multi club owners. None I have seen have what you would say are top clubs winning trophies on a regular basis. Then there is the supposed rule of two clubs owned by the same owner can't say in the same European comp. I hope we can get someone who will be a one club owner.


{Ed002's Note - As it stands right now there is no chance of that Nick.}



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01 Jun 2024 09:13:51
We can look GB, but will we be lucky and find? I hope so.




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