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22 May 2024 20:42:02
Lookman is doing alright tonight another that couldn't handle the pressure of playing for the mighty blues.

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22 May 2024 21:10:14
Thought he always looked like he had potential for us tbh! We never give the few decent youngsters time, we expect them to cost f%#* all and be a world beater in a crap team! I was sad to see Lookman go but at least we made a profit on him! Good luck to the lad.

22 May 2024 21:27:31
Totally agree we got on his back way to early.

23 May 2024 00:32:28
Gasperini has been at Atalanta for a long time now, he plays a very attacking style of football and gets the best out of players.
This is the third team he has built their (I enjoy serie a)

He has been left to do his job and they recruit very well.

If we want anything remotely close to that we have to have some patience when things are not going well.
My point is Atalanta had a great run in the CL a few seasons back and were unlucky not to knock out PSG. Then they had to rebuild after losing players and they had some less successful seasons.
but they didn't call for the
managers head at the first sign of turbulence, or write off their players after bad form (lookman) .
And now they have won their first trophy in 60 years or something.

23 May 2024 06:47:32
To be fair, Lookman did himself no favours as a kid with his attitude amd/ or his agent filling his head with nonsense. He was skilful and tricky going forward on the ball but he didn't like the defending side of the game. That's ok if you have other players good enough to cover him but I don't think we did at the time. He had problems at every club he ended up at and, if memory serves me right, a lot of that was down to his attitude.
Maybe the penny has dropped for him as he seems to have matured a lot and that is shown by how he's performing now. Although he's not with us, I'm made up that he is now getting the most out of a career that looked to be going to the wayside at one point.

23 May 2024 18:24:28
Whilst he played well in the final It’s taken him 5yrs and 5 different clubs to attain that level.

He had a bit of a poor attitude with us and didn’t do much better at leicester, Fulham or Leipzig.

Whilst it’s great for him scoring a hatrick in a European final not sure he can be classed as one that got away as hasn’t shown anything anywhere near that level in the last 5yrs.

We also sold him and recruited Richarlison - know who I preferred playing for us.

{Ed025's Note - i think he may have grown up Dan, apparently he was a bit of a nightmare when he was with us mate..



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