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11 May 2024 16:59:30
Another 3 points well done to Sean and the lads what a haul of points these last few games,

Agree8 Disagree0

11 May 2024 17:28:12
Yeah the 15 game run was mad with the run before and after.

Arsenal game is a bit of a right off for me.

Onto the next big challenge of the summer transfer window, or pre 30th of June transfers.

Also mad to think Forrest could stay up on 29 points.

11 May 2024 17:32:32
Without points deduction we would be 22 points clear of relegation.

11 May 2024 18:01:51
Would have been 11th. Let's see us turn up against Arsenal, what I mean is make them earn it.

11 May 2024 18:02:41
Was looking at the table Sean and the lads certainly upped it at the end, what could have been eh if we hadn’t lost all those games in the middle, looking forward to next season now, we could so easily have dropped a division if they hadn’t turned it around.

11 May 2024 18:18:27
So if we finished 10th or even higher, would you been happy with Sean and his style of play GB? You and others wanted out 100% few weeks ago.

Going to be a case of pretty much the same next season pal so patience needed and a realization that survival is key not performances.

11 May 2024 18:51:34
I believe this formation was forced on him through injuries. Young is a different player in his natural position for one. Dyches lack of confidence/ trust in the younger one's is a worry because we are going to need them after the upcoming firesale. So well done this Squad and thankyou for finally turning up.

11 May 2024 19:04:45
I saw report that Young was awful. Just goes to show different eyes or titat in Pub. I thought his crossing was excellent for one.

11 May 2024 19:23:55
Have to say Young played well today DFS.

11 May 2024 19:27:44
No Mocker and I keep saying this his style of play was awful in all those games we lost but a lot of that was who was playing and I agree thought he would get the chop, but all credit to him and the Team they tuned it around big time so yes. He deserves a few season now with some new players in the squad.

11 May 2024 19:32:25
Just read your first post above DFS and Young has improved a lot, as for the younger ones nice to see Dobbin and Warrington come on even if not for long, also the Team will be totally different next season with younger players in the shape of freebies, loans and from lower divisions up to Sean to get them into shape.

11 May 2024 21:19:10
I know i am repeating myself but to ask a manager to take over a whole club in disaray and manage a team bought by 8 previous mamagers, he hasn't done too bad a job.

{Ed025's Note - in the circumstances he has not done a bad job Bobslad, but if we are to progress we cant play that brand of football imo mate..

12 May 2024 08:48:56
What's progress tho Ed? I get ya but we would be 11th and quite easily broke top ten, above teams like Palace, Bournemouth, Brighton who all get plaudits, it isn't pretty no but can't argue it's effective.

We are solid and our XG been high, know stats don't tell the true story. I get the not pretty malarkey but mid table Dyche all over tippy happy relegation battle for me. We simply don't have the players to play that or free flowing Ed, it ain't Sean's fault he does what he does and he is very good at it, we are Very lucky we have him mate, hard to imagine but the club could be in a lot worse state without.

We all know it's going to be a very turbulent summer and he won't be getting much support by looks of it financially so as supporter's why don't we put 2 fingers up to them (again) give Sean our backing and ride out what we already know is going to be a very challenging season ahead. ?.

{Ed025's Note - i get that Mocker and yes Dyche has done a very good job with what he has at his disposal mate, i might be living in the past i suppose when we were easy on the eye and watching this great club was not such a chore, because of where we still are i would keep Sean for another season but i would like to see the lads be a bit more expansive but maybe thats just me..

12 May 2024 09:27:19
No I totally get it bud. Football is entertainment after all. Sean is on the recieving end of the fans frustrations due to what's gone on before, my gripe with him is the reluctance on youth, but he maybe be forced into it next season.

So 10th/ 11th this season Ed (without points deduction) .

Or 16th/ 17th last day survival next but playing good stuff?

We have been lucky that the bottom 3 been so poor this season . I would totally give Sean another season minimum, I'd really like to see what he could do when all the noise assubsided and he had some money to work with, think he would be quite savvy.

Look at West Ham Ed they have outed Moyes, even tho won European trophy last season and been 6th-8th over last 3 seasons all because it ain't pleasing on the eye, we are all fickle at times bud not helped by the fact the top 3 are miles ahead of the rest.

PS hope Richy doesn't go to Saudi. Total waste at 27.

12 May 2024 10:02:24
No ed the majority in the ground feel the same. It's more a sense of relief that we stayed up. But the football has to improve mate.

{Ed025's Note - im with you Brass, i dont know if sean is the man to deliver that even with better players mate...thats my worry..

12 May 2024 10:51:19
Granted Ed but he has surely earned a crack at it is my opinion.

We have actually played some decent stuff especially early season without reward. Sean just needs to try get the consistency whilst remaining solid with a weak squad.

{Ed025's Note - i dont have a problem with giving him a shot Mocker, and hes the perfect fit for a club without means like us mate, i just have reservations about how far he can take us though..

12 May 2024 11:48:57
That I totally agree with Ed, his remit over next 2 seasons is try stabilise us as a club, (our next level) hopefully aligned with off field. Then evaluate

Our aim has to be to become more attractive off the field first then a identity and vision

Anyway Ed, lovely day again, a feeling a beer garden calling for a few ????.

{Ed025's Note - im envious Mocker, these tablets im on are strictly no alcohol mate, so orange squash for me today, but that wont last very long..

12 May 2024 14:14:52
He’s not the solution Ed but we are about to hit much rougher seas and he’s an experienced captain that has guided others through similar. I’m not much of a risk taker and think we should let him see us through another season until we are out this mess. Sadly, it could be another few years until we are sorted financially.

{Ed025's Note - i dont have a problem with that BR..



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