25 Apr 2024 09:46:11
Fantastic result last night, still not the prettiest of football but the energy and determination was there.
Thought Tarks was superb at the back, seemed to get on everything. And I don't know if anyone else noticed but he had a little word with DCL before the corner came in. Think it was along the lines of "I will block this fecker give you a free header".
As for DCL, well it just shows you when fit how good this lad is. Up against two defenders and he bossed them all night. Imagine how good he would be with another striker alongside him.
People saying we have poor players and that's why the manager can't get a tune out of them. Well they were singing last night.
25 Apr 2024 12:57:18
Yes mate Tarks played a blinder with the corner, did you see him push Dick van dyke out of the way ?.
25 Apr 2024 20:14:51
Stop with the entertaining pretty football. It is a very competitive sport, in it to win it. Stop the opposition playing, get in their faces and create the space for yourselves. We have the players to do that but Dyche has been far to wary. Hopefully after last night he doesn't revert to chucking a couple of handbags and sitting back.
26 Apr 2024 00:23:11
Not really sure what you mean?
26 Apr 2024 04:13:48
All the complaining about boring football and not entertaining. The idea is to win or not lose. I don't give a monkeys as long as my side give their all. They gave their all and won 2-0, it wasn't pretty, it was job done.
{Ed025's Note - i can agree to a certain extent DFS but tell me this mate, where was that fight and determination against the likes of Chelsea away and Luton and Palace at home?, or is it ok to just turn up for the derby game and everything is forgiven?, yes it was a great performance and a great result but that does not for me just wipe the slate clean, the abject performances well outweigh the good ones and even though we can breathe a sigh of relief we all know this debacle starts again next season..
26 Apr 2024 08:17:49
It’s been “boring” football all season. Yes the idea is to win, something we haven’t done enough of with this style of play.
We are predictable and one dimensional, we rely on set pieces and the better teams know that.
When I played it was all about pass and move, support your man and don’t give the ball away cheaply. And we won our fair share of matches.
Football is an entertainment sport and supporters pay a lot of money to be entertainined. Carry on with this hoofball and you will lose those supporters.
Nothing I have seen shows me that this is the best way to play.
26 Apr 2024 08:55:58
Nil satis hoof it up to them.
Dyche likes attack and defence, sadly for us he prefers the defence bit more.
26 Apr 2024 08:23:41
ED, the subject was this obsession (perceived) with it's boring, not entertaining. It is fing entertaining when you win 1-0 is my point. Entertaining when my side give their all. The aim is to win, failing that don't lose. Liverpool could very easily have won that game, they had the chances but our lot put it all out there and got a deserved result. That was not pretty football but it was football. Boring boring Arsenal every day of the week for me. Oh and Dyche is not the man to take us forward, those changes were forced on him. Just see what side he puts out against Brentford.
{Ed025's Note - my point DFS is that yes it was a great result and performance and yes i was delighted, but lest we forget that the majority of the season has been turgid horrible soulless performances and if you are happy scraping draws at home and playing boring football then that is up to you mate, i expect better..
26 Apr 2024 11:38:27
When 'you' played Woburn you didn't give a stuff about how you won, I guarantee that. I certainly didn't care how it went in or who I left on the ground (nor they me) . These lads that we berate every week, would leave us armchair critics for dead over two strides. We say they are not trying or boring, the opposite is true.
26 Apr 2024 11:40:07
Course I am not happy scraping draws but I am bloody ecstatic not losing.
{Ed025's Note - my bar is set a bit higher DFS and to be perfectly honest i expect to be entertained, after all this is EFC whos motto is Nil Satis Nisi Optimum mate, not grind out a result and be biting your fingernails to hopefully get a result against the likes of Sheffield Utd and Luton, i would like to think our club is better than that, imo it will be the same rinse and repeat scenario for the forseeable future unless we change the mindset of the players and we get a manager who can coach these lads to aim a bit higher than hoping for survival, everyone to their own though i expect..
26 Apr 2024 17:01:08
You couldn’t be more wrong Dfs. We were coached to make the ball do the work, and we played that way.