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22 Nov 2023 18:40:45
If the same commission that handed down the disgraceful, and now universally discredited 10 point deduction, are to decide on the validity of other clubs compensation claims, the premier league must be bonkers if they think any awarded would withstand a challenge.

Agree1 Disagree0

22 Nov 2023 19:04:04
The FA are very quiet in all of this.

22 Nov 2023 23:57:21
The more articles published the more im confused, I don't know much but feel the rules to avoid this situation also can cripple a club, how is 10 points for a 20 mill overspend harsher than full blown administration?
I guess like many have more questions than answer and, more answers than questions,
This whole situation is bonkers.

23 Nov 2023 11:10:09
Course it can, it is a situation were those hard won 10 pts and now lost points could be the difference. This is a financial error given a sport penalty that if allowed to stand could cause greater financial instability. It does nothing to create better FFP. The whole situation is a bag of nails.

{Ed002's Note - It is not a "financial error".}

23 Nov 2023 15:14:46
Sorry Ed a financial overspend.

23 Nov 2023 15:19:39
It's not a financial error but the rules around what you can and can't do are open to interpretation. Its similar with the FCA.

The other problem in all this, just like the FCA, they have changed the rules AFTER the dates of our accounting period which didn't help our case but still held us to account under the new rules.

If the EPL had given us just a financial slap then we wouldn't be talking about compensation for other clubs which is also a headache for the EPL.

If the EPL were hoping to prove they don't need a regulator, I'm afraid they've proven completely the opposite.

{Ed002's Note - The rules are very clear. Everton could try and claim stupidity but it won't get them anywhere.}

23 Nov 2023 17:07:59
Don't be ridiculous we know and the board know they have been incompetent and admitted so. If any organisation has been stupid though it has been the Prem. This has achieved the opposite of what they hoped/ intended; a regulator will be appointed. MP's wishing to hold onto seats are involved just depends how much the lily livered Sunak and Starmer want to get on the bandwagon. BlueJohnUs there will be nocompensation.

23 Nov 2023 18:34:36
The rules also changed during the investagation into everton.

23 Nov 2023 19:47:59
Totally agree we've been collared putting loan interest for business loans as interest on capital loans for the new stadium, although they came from the same bank account and we've renegotiated terms with lenders to cover all operating funds.

Also for not pursuing a private claim for breach of contract for player X after we sacked him when arrested, for player's mental wellbeing at the time.

For giving player Y an new contract to increase his market value even though we were actively seeking to move him on.

For not selling the targeted amount of players post C.V., to meet PSR, when Premier League witness said the only League not affected by post-C.V. reduction in transfer prices was the Premier League, therefore, doesn't that mean that target clubs were significantly lower, as would be any fees.

The worst we did was claim transfer levy payments not used for player's pension fund, transfered to youth trading as requested by EPL.

Culpability vs Mitigation
Who's to blame EPL or EFC, of course its Everton, but who could forecast a world-wide C.V. The invasion of Ukraine?

Not just operating cost soared but transfer values plummeted. Also management and operating costs soared for all sectors and industries servicing club too.

The main sponsor Russian national, board member Russian national, main supplier of steel for new groud Russian Company. Cheapest market for steel Russia. Who'd think it would be mitigating. Apparently not to Premier League.

Everton's flawed business plan to do the same as every other club trying to break in to the top of league has done in the past is to invest in superior players to improve performance in the league, therefore generating additional revenue. Our problem was we invested in the wrong sort of players, and didn't follow the guidance set by the people employed to do that job, by the majority shareholders.

Naughty, naughty, Everton what a huge sporting advantage you have over the rest of the Premier League. Profit and Sustainability, ok poor management and bad decision making can't be sporting advantage.

Points I find most unfair are;

why rules made in 2023 apply to 2019-2022.
Also how cost incurred prior to planning permission can't be used after planning permission is granted.
There are no penalty tariffs set by the EPL, unlike the EFL. Its dealt with case by case, subject to Mitigation and Culpability (European Super League? ) .

{Ed025's Note - really good read that Blueboy, excellent knowledge and a realistic take on things...kudos mate..

24 Nov 2023 08:55:55
Excellent reply, blueboy, hard for anyone to argue with the points you made.

24 Nov 2023 09:17:07
Yep blueboy thanks for taking the time to post that sums up perfectly why this is so confusing in parts, guess we now now there's something out there ran as badly as us.



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