Everton rumours 19148


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05 Nov 2023 18:13:11
Does anyone else agree an doesn't want 777 partners near the club. And could the else shed light on if they are going to pass the ffp test.

{Ed002's Note - As I have explained I don’t think they would be an ideal solution. Others, including sharks and charlatans, are still looking to buy in UK and elsewhere in Europe with several premier League sides available.}

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05 Nov 2023 18:28:55
Thanks Ed but do you think they will pass the fit an proper person's test with the dodgy history they have. And sorry if its been asked before.

{Ed002's Note - The issue surrounds the airlines rather than the football clubs. They will have taken advice and will know where they stand, so it seems likely.}

05 Nov 2023 19:38:39
Thanks for the information Ed very good knowledge as usual ?.

08 Nov 2023 23:22:39
These are the people that know a man that can, so yes they will pass.



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