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05 Oct 2023 17:45:50
Ed25. Given what is already known and in the public domaine do you think that 777 partners have any chance of passing the owners and directors test.
They have failed to put in the funding into their Brazilian club, it was not a promise, but a legal obligation, in addition I understand that they have a obligation to British basket ball which they have also failed to meet.

{Ed025's Note - they are not the investors we wanted ITB but they are the only offer on the table at the moment, that could change though because not only are we up before the beak on the 25th for FFP fraud but 3 clubs who were relegated instead of us have written to 777 to say they will be suing Everton for £300m if the case is upheld, sad times mate even if they do pass the fair and proper test they could well pull out anyway..

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05 Oct 2023 20:57:44
What a can of worms Ed you couldn’t write this mate, what a bloody disaster eh.

{Ed025's Note - it certainly looks that way GB, the outcome of the enquiry will certainly shape our future mate, if guilty we could be facing a points deduction or a transfer embargo...of even both..

05 Oct 2023 21:41:35
I wouldn't mind a transfer embargo, it would stop us buying s*#tp players.

06 Oct 2023 00:58:50
???? skylark, with you on that ?.

06 Oct 2023 03:40:06
Transfer embargo is the preferred outcome obviously. As has been said, it will stop us buying rubbish.

Any points deduction will probably seal our fate and then free fall imo.


05 Oct 2023 21:56:13
Ed025, do the clubs have any realistic grounds to sue us, and win the case, if we are found guilty? They all know we're skint and that the 777 group can't seem to meet their current financial obligations, so not sure where they think we will pluck £300m from!

{Ed025's Note - they seem to think they have a case BP, they have obviously taken legal advice but im not so sure mate, lets hope the club have acted in the right way and there is no case to answer or it could get very messy..

06 Oct 2023 11:09:22
Do you really believe that the 3 clubs will try to sue? On What grounds EFC haven't broken any laws as far as we know, if they have then they should be prosecuted. A club saying that EFC should be liable for lost revenue because they didn't spend their money in accordance to non regulatory guidelines laid out by a sporting body is nonsensical. Media rubbish not worth worrying about in my opinion.

{Ed025's Note - you could be right sa.I can only comment on what has been said in the press mate which is that the 3 clubs have written to 777 outlining their intentions. We will have to wait to see how the meeting goes on the 25th before we know where we stand..

06 Oct 2023 12:28:13
A transfer embargo is best option for EFC but not good news for this site.

06 Oct 2023 12:52:44
They failed to stay up because of their own failings. Should the Prem runner up sue the Champions because they had more money.

06 Oct 2023 12:52:44
They failed to stay up because of their own failings. Should the Prem runner up sue the Champions because they had more money.

06 Oct 2023 12:43:13
SA90, not really sure what will happen but the club's mentioned have outlined their stance to those that could be buying out FM. I'm not a lawyer so not sure if they would have any grounds to do so. But the threat is there, whether that transpires into anything we will have to wait and see.
Hopefully, we don't get any sanctions later this month then ed, and the entire thing gets put to bed.

{Ed025's Note - that’s the best scenario BP but I won’t be putting any money on it mate. This shower in charge have balls up too many times for me to think we are completely innocent..



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