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25 Oct 2023 17:49:49
See all the rags are saying we will get the biggest points deduction ever 12 points, would not expect anything less from such poor journalism, Best of luck Everton we are all with you whatever does or does not happen COYB.

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25 Oct 2023 20:36:31
Agree GB, tabloid sensationalism is rife nowadays not just in this case but all news.
I’m sure that the premier league have not said anything, nor recommend an appropriate punishment, that will be down to the independent findings.
I don’t get the point of large fines, as I find it counterproductive for a team struggling with finances or is this a case where they’ll take the cash from the owner and not count it against overall debt, hypocrisy of the highest level if so.
If indeed we our found to have breached FFP, then a transfer ban would be more appropriate, at least it would save us money.
Let’s just wait and see what’s coming our way.

25 Oct 2023 22:32:41
It's a disgrace if we get points deducted. Man City had numerous charges against them . They took on the powers that be and get away with it! Something desperately wrong here! Chelsea have a lot to answer for also.

25 Oct 2023 23:39:48
Am not so sure yano lads it depends what rules we have broken it woudnt suprise me if we was hit with point deduction or a transfer embargo but its worrying times ahead.

26 Oct 2023 05:41:47
It being Everton of course they'll hit us with a points deduction if they can.

Whatever the punishment let's hope it's immediate so at least we know where we stand and if any appeal can be submitted.

{Ed025's Note - thats the only good point WT in whats been a terrible week for the club mate..

26 Oct 2023 06:26:56
Our club has been mismanaged and clearly taken the mic’ out of the C.V. concessions. Whatever we get not many could argue we had it coming.

Regards City and Chelsea. As long as they’re measured with the same rod then fair enough. I’m not party to the minutia but I suspect we will be made an example of.

If we stay up after all this then there truly is a large gulf between the three that came up verses the rest.

26 Oct 2023 12:05:15
I haven't got a clue as to how or when any punishment would materialise but I'd expect some kind of appeal going in if we get hit with the rumoured 12 point deduction. So it would depend on that as to when we get, if found guilty, the points taken off the board.

27 Oct 2023 23:10:39
This could work in our favour what a incentive and motivational tool that could be used by the club. Make it in to a them against us scenario. Unify fans, club, and players to fight and battle to stick it to Premier League and the rest of the powers that be. Doesn't matter if we did anything wrong or not f@#k ' em, let's stay up just to wind 'em up.
Come on you Blues, UTFT.



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