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17 Nov 2023 14:06:04
Does this mean the flood gates open now for Burnley, Southampton and Leeds and anyone else to sue us.

{Ed025's Note - i cant see it GB, those clubs were relegated for one reason and one reason only mate...they were shite.. :)

Agree3 Disagree0

17 Nov 2023 14:29:56
Hope your right mate, suppose the best way to start to get out of this is 3 points from the Man U game eh.

{Ed025's Note - lets hope so mate..

17 Nov 2023 14:32:52
Absolutely agree.

17 Nov 2023 14:37:29
I'm pretty sure all PL teams would have to agree to and sign off on the rules, investigation process and potential sanctions, so providing we've been punished in accordance with the rules, it should be a non starter in terms of them suing us.

17 Nov 2023 16:27:12
Surely they don't have a case do they if so why not the teams the season before last with it bein in the 3 years or am I thinking wrong.

17 Nov 2023 16:49:02
Sky sports said Leeds and Burnley are out to get us?

{Ed025's Note - i dont think they have a case Penysarn, the Premiere league have had their inquiry and punishment has been served, the time frame was determined by the relevant authorities so any beef they have is surely with the Premier league mate,...sour grapes if you ask me..

17 Nov 2023 16:57:16
If they’re going to sue anyone, then it should be the Premier league. Nothing to do with us.

{Ed025's Note - absolutely Woburn..



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