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22 Oct 2023 11:32:53
Inevitability the whole day had that inevitability about it, it's as if the club the players manager the fans the tea lady all just except we are going to get beat by Liverpool and as for the substitutions well I just give up.

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22 Oct 2023 18:44:32
I have no faith in SD Skylark. I know we can't keep changing managers, but maybe 777 have someone in mind for when they take over.

{Ed025's Note - im sure some people on here think we are Man City, we are not a massive club anymore and should be grateful that someone like Dyche is willing to put his neck on the line to manage us imo, if anyone can get us up the table a bit then Sean is the very man, just my opinion of course..

22 Oct 2023 19:22:49
Grateful! Christ we have hit rock bottom if we should feel grateful. I look at other clubs who have changed and had impact managers get things going. We don't have a bad squad to what we had previously. We just don't have anyone who can use it correctly. Not having a pop at you ed, just frustrated we all see what SD can't.

{Ed025's Note - If it was that easy mate we would all be doing it, its a tough gig and it could be about to get even harder..

23 Oct 2023 09:22:17
It’s how dyche sets up and his subs and picking young/ Keane that make him look useless. When young got the first yellow he should have been taken off and garner or Patterson at right back . He could have dropped McNeill deeper into midfield with Beto or danjumma as another attacker leaving Harrison on this would have given the side more balance . Instead he tried to defend for 45 minutes with a donkey at the back total negativity . This is why in my opinion he is not right for us . I want to see us have a go at teams not hoist the white flag.

24 Oct 2023 05:10:14
It’s a tough gig that they are paid a small fortune for doing. Sorry Ed but I will never be grateful to any manager/ player for coming to us when you see the obscene amounts of money they are paid.
Let’s face it, it’s the only job I know where you can be a complete failure and still earn a fortune. Ok there’s being a politician, but that’s because there bent as f**k.

{Ed025's Note - i agree with that Harlex and think all players, managers and agents are paid obscene amounts mate, but in the context of where we are as a club i think we have the right man..

24 Oct 2023 10:38:23
I mean he didn’t pick Keane, he was forced to just try and park the bus with Youngs sending off. If that didn’t happen he’d have never be brought on.

24 Oct 2023 13:56:23
I think we should be grateful that he might keep us up again! What's done is done, the past mistakes, we can't change but we can rebuild, it'll just take a long time. as Ed says, we aren't that big club anymore, we have history but that's exactly what it is, history, nothing won since 95. So I think we should try survive the season again and small steps to stability is all we can expect at the moment, because no manager in the world is going to turn us into European contenders for many a year! !

24 Oct 2023 17:41:51
He had other options gibbo. Wasn't Godfrey on the bench? Godfrey isn't all that but he's better than Keane. Keane should be plan Z.

Also, when we have the luxury of making 5 subs bringing young off early should be a no brainer, especially when he was clearly get skinned for speed all the time.

24 Oct 2023 17:49:51
Spot on Chris.

25 Oct 2023 08:03:05
Am happy with dyche for now but as chris says bringing on keane when godfrey is there is bizarre also think he needs to tweak formations and subs during the match its like he leaves everything to late we have better attacking options then we had last year in harrison beto chemmeti danjuma dcl seems be up for it.



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