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25 Oct 2023 16:48:22
Been reported that the premier league are asking the commition for a 12 point deduction, that is nothing short of vindictive.

{Ed025's Note - the decision as far as I am aware ITB has not be announced yet. But 12 points would be a massive kick in the teeth mate..

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25 Oct 2023 17:41:21
It's one of those articles. Headline is 12pt deduction, then read on and it says up to a 12pt deduction of found guilty which is a totally different thing.

25 Oct 2023 18:41:24
Was just trying to drew attention to the anti Everton agender from premier league, even if found not guilty, the severity of the punishment called for highlights how our club has been treated, time afder time.
Perhaps they could take the points from those we have been cheted of by their bent referees.

{Ed025's Note - a lot of our troubles have been self inflicted im afraid mate..

25 Oct 2023 18:48:31
EFCONE, quite agree. . . It's been a good day for the sensationalists to talk about stuff that may not even happen.

25 Oct 2023 18:51:57
Let's go back to the start. First off it won't be the commission who decide the punishment. Secondly, who quoted from the Premier league? Last line from them was they wouldn't make any comment on the case until after the decision.

{Ed025's Note - wise words Smit mate..

25 Oct 2023 19:12:55
Besides Premier League need to remember Chelse and City next in the dock after us for similar offences.

City's amount to 115 charges over 9 year. Whilst I'm not too sure about Chelsea's charges. Compared to ours of 1 charge in a year we were having our accounts supervised by the Premier League to ensure compliance.

Let's hope for consistency in their judgements and transparency of their decision making, and fairness in the penaltys handed out. (PGMOL)

25 Oct 2023 19:39:34
Let’s hope it’s better than the refs for our matches then.

25 Oct 2023 22:17:05
If they do find us guilty of FFFP breeches, I’d like to know what supervision the Prem League gave for our accounts. The club are adamant they have complied with whatever they were told by the Prem League.

It’s that or some serious wool has been pulled over our eyes.

25 Oct 2023 22:37:17
Well if VAR were looking at it then we would be fooked GB.

25 Oct 2023 22:50:45
I thought the court case related to P&S breaches but Sky News reporting this is a tax issue regarding loans on the new stadium. A lot of speculation going around but no point worrying about it until it’s actually done.

25 Oct 2023 23:36:33
Ed 025 sorry put you on spot matey but what percentage could you see us getting a 12 point deduction cause we have broken a rule what rule we don't know whether its transfers or stadium costs but its worrying times ahead is there any information you can share with us thanks for reply.

{Ed025's Note - i would be guessing Andy, the club insist they have done nothing wrong but the authorities believe different, im expecting a points deduction myself because we are first up and they will want to make an example of us mate, the only good thing is that its very early in the season and we will have time to catch up..

26 Oct 2023 07:44:51
And If ever there was a season with Teams bad enough that we could survive with a 12pt deduction, it's this one!

26 Oct 2023 08:55:24
I disagree ed025 I don't think a point deduction would the punishment for exactly the same reason. The PL would be setting a precedence that could if they were not open and transparent with other clubs that breach the rules, possibly be open to a counter claim in the courts. I think they would go for a fine or transfer embargo.

{Ed025's Note - I hope your right sa but knowing our luck they will throw the book at us mate..

26 Oct 2023 14:02:28
If this charge relates to a year when the premier league were supervising our books surely that could be deemed as professional negligence on the EPL’s part.

{Ed002's Note - Try and get away from the Merseyside obsession with trying to blame someone else. You have known about the problems for a very long time and - I have explained over and over, none of it should be a shock.}

26 Oct 2023 16:47:55
Yes I do understand that, however if transactions have been given permission by the very body that wants to then charge us that is negligent.

In my business if I advised a customer something was above board and then they got prosecuted for fraud I would be professionally negligent.

It’s not a shock, personally I think this is a political power play by the EPL to try and prevent independent regulation, by attempting to show their house is in order. Hence the seeming change in opinion from we approve your spending to charges.

{Ed002's Note - It is nothing to do with that. Stop scratching around looking to blame someone else - are you a Liverpool fan.}

30 Oct 2023 20:56:12
Anyone can see that posting losses of £430m over three seasons when the limit is just over £100m is a fairly sizeable problem. The PL may have been reviewing expenditure after the fact but it’s not unreasonable to think that if you’re running a several hundred million pound business you have the money and wherewithal to appoint people capable of adhering to whatever regulations you’re governed by.

Nobody else to blame apart from Moshiri. There’s a reason Arsenal wouldn’t let Usmanov or him anywhere near the decision making process.

It’s also not about throwing the book at us to make a point or about what City have or haven’t done. This is about the mismanagement of our club and it will be judged on that alone. Other clubs are in the spotlight for largely different reasons, so the outcome of our case will likely have no bearing on theirs.



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