15 Apr 2024 18:18:28
Hi Ed025 what do you make of this latest report that the Club will not own our new stadium, sounds to me like we selling our very soul to the devil mate, what is happening.
{Ed025's Note - its just another thing on top of this crap show that is Everton GB, they say it never rains but it pours and thats certainly true with us mate, its one thing after another and nothing surprises me these days and to be honest i can see us going to the wall, and do you know what...sometimes i think the sooner the better..
15 Apr 2024 19:07:51
I keep thinking we will stay up this season and then I think what is going to happen to our Club next, it’s just one thing after another mate, then I wake up and say xxxx them we are Everton and we can beat this COYB.
{Ed025's Note - you certainly have more resolve than me GB, these days i tend to wake up and say...i dont really care mate, i have had enough now i think..
15 Apr 2024 19:32:09
Always been a Blue Ed since I was knee high to a grasshopper, if we go down I go with them, but we will stay up and get out of this mess.
{Ed025's Note - so have i GB, but even if we do stay up mate it all starts again next season i feel, im sorry to sound so negative mate but this club have finally broken me im afraid, in my heart i still love the ethos of EFC but these past few years have ground me down so much that i have lost all faith that we will ever become a force again..
15 Apr 2024 20:56:39
Feel exactly the same Ed. We deserve so much better. Far more important things going on than this farce of a club. We need a reset. Simple as.
{Ed025's Note - your dead right Mocker..
15 Apr 2024 22:04:08
I completely agree with you Ed25 and I’m not even 40 yet. Just can’t be doing with building my hopes up every summer to be presented with this cocktail of anger, sadness and complete frustration. It’s doing my health in no ends.
I just wish we could sort ourselves out. If it’s taking this many seasons to do it (and we are still far from being mid table) then we must be rotten to the core.
In a free seasons, there will be a super league of European clubs and you can bet we won’t be part of it or anywhere near it.
{Ed025's Note - and dont deserve to be BR..
16 Apr 2024 03:31:01
You guys were probably not alive the last time we were relegated, I was. I was eleven and it was devastating. I do care Ed025 and put the blame for our demise fully on Blue Bill. He brought in Moshiri and he stood back and allowed him to ruin this club. I never bought on to the "Boys Pen" rubbish, I went in the boys pen once and it was like being in a cage, anyone in their right mind would go in only once. Kenwright sold out to Moshiri because he allowed Bill to remain as Chairman. He must have known that Moshiri was a figurehead for Usmanov. Now we can look forward to the 777 lot, probably being a tenant at our new stadium and owing a fortune at high interest. How can anyone with any business acumen allow us to get to this position?
16 Apr 2024 13:26:57
Spot on BR am 34 meself havnt seen us win anything know more about the reds cabinet and years they won it then me own team has been took from us i honestly think we are gone lads can't see us getting many points between now and then hope wrong.