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03 Oct 2023 19:12:37
Well Dino we are still waiting, who would be your choice for manager should Sean be unfortunate enough to lose his job.

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03 Oct 2023 19:48:04
That’s not my job all I will say is Villa under stevie G couldn’t win a match and everyone said they were going down but Emry was able to win a few games and get them up the table. Brighton found a manager after potter when everyone said that will be the end of their success but they found a guy who knows what he is doing and look at them now. Wolves not so long ago couldn’t score a goal everyone said they going down guess what happened they got a new manager and up the league they went. So I don’t buy into this there is no1 else why didn’t we get one of the 3 managers who I’ve mentioned above before the other teams signed them no we signed Dyche. Potter would keep us up and then build something from there don’t look at what he did at Chelsea it’s a joke club he would suit us but if not him there is plenty of other managers out there. A workman shouldn’t blame his tools.

03 Oct 2023 20:16:50

03 Oct 2023 21:05:41
& you would be happy with him doing the dial role with Portugal DFS?

If was available and Dyche does go then I'd have him back but not in a dual management capacity.

03 Oct 2023 22:02:33
As expected, totally avoid giving a proper answer! He doesn't want to give his choice as he won't be able to slate him when things don't improve.
Comparing us to those other clubs is a waste of time, they aren't in the same predicament with an owner and board like ours. Don't think any of them clubs have sacked at least 7 managers in 7 years and destabilised the club financially to almost the point of ruin. The fact is we may go down this season but that has been coming for a few years, blame the current manager all you like, or the others before him, but the bad recruitment and wasted millions on substandard players is catching up with us. There won't be many managers knocking at the door to take the job when they look at how FM has treated others since he took over. Add in the financial restrictions, the upcoming ffp hearing and a new group coming in to take over and it's not an attractive proposition at all.
As others have said, this managerial merry-go-round has to stop or the wilderness is where we will end up. We need stability on and off the pitch not constant swapping and changing like has been happening during FM's tenure.

03 Oct 2023 22:09:55
Moyes! We now need stability and commitment as a team on the pitch. & whether you love him or loathe him he’s still the best we had since Kendall and with little or no money to spend he did well…remember Arteta. Cahill…Graveson…Carsely…Stubbs just to mention a few? We’ve tried every named manager under the sun these past years and all have failed miserably all be it under a toxic owner driven club so poorly run. He’s now won a European trophy and what’s more I think he would come back to us in a heartbeat if the new owners were to approach him as our future can still be bright with a new stadium and some funds to spend . Sean looks out of his depth to me and mayb the team are not buying into his methods…just my opinion for now!

03 Oct 2023 22:26:15
I agree with everything you said until Potter. Otherwise bang on.

03 Oct 2023 22:35:34
So no other manager would want a job earning over 100k a week. Then get a couple of mill pay off when it goes tits up. No other manager would want that?

03 Oct 2023 23:01:10
Most managers would take the job. Not the elite perhaps, but most others. Money talks.
I’m not convinced Moyes would come.
Anyone think Thomas Frank could be persuaded? Doubtful I suppose. Tough gig for whoever comes in.
I think the board/ owners would wait until after the hearing on 25th whatever happens.

03 Oct 2023 23:21:00
Nobody of any note would touch us with a barge pole I don't think. Remember when FM first came in and got rid of his first few managers? Think of the names linked back then in comparison to the last managerial appointment. The standard has dropped considerably in that time. EFC is a poisoned chalice.

03 Oct 2023 23:31:18
I like O'Neil as a Manager. He did a phenomenal job keeping that Bournemouth side up and Wolves aren't much better after having their whole spine ripped out.

Seems to have a nice blend of a modern day approach with the characteristics he had as a player. Graft.

04 Oct 2023 08:23:42
This is the problem chaps, as much as respect all the names mentioned, Martinez, Moyes and O'Neill they isn't a chance of them coming without us breaking the bank and we simply can't do that can we.

Martinez - Why would he leave Portugal 1 of the leading favourites for next year's World Cup to come to the mess we are in.

Moyes - Just won West Ham's 1st trophy in years and slowly building a decent squad there with money available and a more stable boardroom and in large parts liked by the fans.

O'Neill - As stated going about his young managerial career in a encouraging way, harshly treated by Bournemouth and early days at Wolves but like what he is doing but would he risk his career and early gained respect to come to us where perhaps his inexperience may catch him out, certainly with the circus around him.

Don't see much happening until the FFP investigation has more clarity and the 777 takeover is sorted 1 way or another (I really hope somebody else comes in) .

04 Oct 2023 10:37:30
Moyes wouldn't come, met him and Lawrence 2019, got the hint he was nailed on. Always wondered what happened, then recently saw that from Moyes about being crapped on by the owner.



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