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20 Nov 2023 22:54:54
Probably a silly question and I'm sure there's a logical answer. But if both mens and women ps teams are under the premier league umbrella, why was it only the mens team that got the points deduction?
We're both the same club that has been found guilty.
Just curious that's all. Keep the chin up we'll be grand out.

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21 Nov 2023 07:06:17
Good question KB, I was thinking that also.

21 Nov 2023 08:42:42
Yeah, Good point Kerry. Not something I thought about TBH.

21 Nov 2023 12:23:28
Don't give them ideas, you know they have never had an original idea. They have only done this to appease parliament threatening they will oversee football.

21 Nov 2023 18:54:17
Could we split it 5 each?

21 Nov 2023 23:09:44
Money spent on the women's team doesn't count towards the prem league p/ s.



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