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30 Sep 2023 20:06:47
I'm with JB on this, sacking Sean Dyche is not the answer I have just watched the game again for my sins and as JB said the players let him down, most of them are the same Team that played Wednesday they have to take the rap for this game, Gueye was dreadful and so were a couple of others, looking at the previous 2 games they played well so we have to get back to winning ways next game against Bournemouth, hearing Everton getting booed off after this game today is something I don't want to hear again.

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30 Sep 2023 21:16:38
What happens when we lose next week? I never thought for one minute we would lose to Luton. Yeah Luton. Dyches' team selection and setup was way off today. I don't care if he's sacked or is here for another three years, it's what supporting the club has done to me.

30 Sep 2023 21:26:29
It comes down to yet again not taking our chances when they present themselves. We should have been a couple ahead by the time they scored.

You could see their corners were causing us issues before the goal a mile off. We have the tallest team in the league, the likes of Tarks, Jared, Onana, DCL, Beto and we can't even defend simple balls into our box or threaten in the oppositions.

Morris left in absolute acres for their 2nd. 3 pts an impossibility and a draw is the best we could hope for after a 40 minutes of football. Just baffling.

I felt the subs were the right ones to make today but none of them really had an impact. The whole team never looked like really turning it round in that 2nd half which is worrying against a side like Luton.

Beto missed a couple of great chances and I feel it was wrong to drop him after Brentford where he played well. He looked deflated when he came on, which doesn't fill me with confidence about his mental resilience but maybe if he starts today, he bags. We were at home to Luton. If Dyche wanted Dom to play then he should have gone with more attacking impetus and played the both of them.

Harrison, you can tell is a player. He is assured in possession and played the give and goes well. Final ball was a bit predictable today and tbf to Luton they defended the last third of the game out well.

Danjuma looked terrible and like he couldn't be arsed having come off the bench.

Fair play to Luton they got a bit of luck for the first and we gifted them the 2nd which that Morris would spaff into row z any other day. If that game was played again tomorrow, weirdly enough I think we win it. Just one of them days but the worrying thing is, we seem to be having a lot of them.

I think we will be safe this season and actually will be better suited to playing teams that don't sit in against us like they did today. Don't know who we would get in if Dyche were to go as we are skint etc. I like what Gary O'Neil has shown in the Prem with Bournemouth and now a Wolves side that had all their decent players ripped away from them in one window. He was a work horse as a player and I like his approach as a gaffer.

Pretty much a must win against Bournemouth next week or pressure will start to pile up on us with the next batch of fixtures.

30 Sep 2023 21:29:46
I think there’s a bit of both GB. Possibly the tactics and jobs these players were given hasn’t helped as well as the players not turning up again.

Have to say though, the boos at Goodison are not only embarrassing (to me) , but also a sad indictment of the fans that watch Everton these days. I’ll get flak for this, as I have in the past, but our fans inside Goodison don’t help sometimes with their moaning and booing.

30 Sep 2023 23:54:14
You pay £50 plus then you have every right to boo the crap being served up. This was Luton not Man City.
When are you people going to wake up to the fact that this man is clueless when it comes to organising a team.

01 Oct 2023 01:02:17
I'm backing SD we should of won with the chances we had it's the players fault at the end of the day granted idrissa shouldn't of started. Another pointless or tipping point question now aren't we. when did and were did Luton win there 1st ever Premier league game. embarrassing. my grand child has just turned 1 and has everything Everton and I'm feeling guilty his other granddad is a blue aswell so he is flucked. i don't like SD but I don't think the players are good enough either. They have to be 100% every game which they ain't and can't even beat Luton at Goodison embarrassing but I love this club so Bournemouth nxt and hope we smash them ??????.

01 Oct 2023 06:33:33
The squad we have is easily good enough to beat Luton at home. Chances fell to the wrong players, we lost control after 15 minutes at home to Luton. Too many attacking players left in the bench. He's to negative. Can't set the team up to defend set pieces. He's a dinosaur and out of his depth.

01 Oct 2023 07:59:23
Good post pierre.
I do wonder if goodison has become to intimidating for the players to play, not saying its due to hostility but more due to expectations. I do think that it was a possible anomaly yesterday and I'm still backing dyche. I think it's far too early to sack him and would rather see how the next 6 weeks pan out and see where we are then.
I can't say I'm surprised as to how the season has gone, reason being every summer we are inactive in the transfer market until the last minute giving the players barley anytime to gel.

01 Oct 2023 09:11:41
Exactly what I’m taking about Woburn. It shouldn’t be about the money you pay, that’s irrelevant imo. I find booing embarrassing, personally. The moans and groans around Goodison have become the norm and I believe that it affects the team in a negative way.

Yes they are crap. Yes Dyche couldn’t organise fun in a brothel with a fiver hanging out of his ear, but I don’t believe booing will change that. Our fans have become a joke amongst other fans for the way we boo and create a toxic atmosphere. “Us people” are the same people who have stood on the terraces in the early 80’s in the pissing rain, when we couldn’t beat Coventry, when attendances were 13600 and the football was dire. Was there any boos then? No.

Modern football has created the cringeworthy modern football fan, and it’s not for me I’m afraid. Don’t like the football being served up for £50? Don’t go then.

01 Oct 2023 10:30:24
Its simple you don’t change a player in a position he has just got motm in an scored an assisted simple. That loss is in the manager yesterday has nit got the balls to drop ghana or onana for garner an plays 4 cms its killing us.

01 Oct 2023 10:32:01
I clearly remember the Coventry game from the 80s and remember the few that were in there shouting plenty of abuse at the players, and many walking out in discussed.
The difference is back then we were watching players who could relate to the supporters. Now we are just watching a bunch of millionaires stroll around not giving a toss.
And it’s not for you to decide whether I go the game or not, or decide on how people react.

01 Oct 2023 12:42:25
I don’t care whether you go or not and I’m certainly not telling you to stay away. Boo all you like, I could t give a toss what Woburn blue does of a Saturday.

My personal feeling towards booing at the match is one of embarrassment. I’m embarrassed for you and the other bovril drinkers. I cringe when I hear some of the shouts from Henry of Heswall and Colin from Crosby. A toxic fan base that are welcome to football and all that goes with it these days.

01 Oct 2023 19:17:57
Well if you want to just sit there and watch that crap without making your views known then fine. I will carry on drinking my Bovril and letting my feelings be known.

01 Oct 2023 19:31:42
You're not just describing Goodison and the fans, Pierre, you're describing every football ground and football fan around the country. Fans are fickle and every club has them. If the team is playing without effort, determination or look like they cba then fans have a right to boo. Not sure how else they could show their displeasure in any other way. I don't do it myself but I can see why others do and that is their prerogative. My parting shot after every home game seems to be to half shout 'f*ck off Everton! ' as I leave. That's every home game so far this year anyway!

03 Oct 2023 08:18:50
Maybe we should all have those clacker things like the Leicester supporters. And look at we’re that got them.
Even if these players just showed a little heart, a little passion then the fans would be behind them. But far to often they’re just going through the motions, Onana is a prime example of that.
So don’t moan about fans venting their anger when their watching millionaire footballers earning amounts they could only dream of, and doing sod all for it.



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